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Politics of Monday, 10 June 2024



While Otumfuo is uniting ethnic groups, It’s a shame 80-year-old Akufo-Addo still has enemies – A Plus

Kwame Asare Obeng (A Plus) Kwame Asare Obeng (A Plus)

Kwame Asare Obeng (A Plus) has criticized President Akufo-Addo for holding grudges at age 80.

He contrasted the President's behavior with that of Otumfuo Osei Tutu II, who is uniting ethnic groups.

A Plus believed that at 80, one should bury hatchets and start anew. He expressed disappointment that the President cannot even unite his own party members, let alone the country.

His comments came after Otumfuo's historic visit to the Ga Dangbe Kingdom, where he emphasized the importance of living harmoniously and focusing on development.

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