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General News of Sunday, 31 December 2023



Year in Review: Powerful chiefs who criticised Akufo-Addo’s govt in 2023

Some traditional in Ghana

Article 276(1) of the 1992 Constitution of Ghana forbids traditional rulers, including chiefs, from actively engaging in political party activities.

The apex court of the land, the Supreme Court of Ghana, reaffirmed this position of the constitution in June 2023 when it declared that it is unconstitutional for chiefs to endorse political parties or their candidates for national

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Otumfuo Ahenenanom Hene

The Otumfuo Ahenenanom Hene, Nana Kwame Mensah-Bonsu, a sub-chief of the Asantehene Otumfuo Osei Tutu II, also took the Akufo-Addo government to the cleaners over what he describes as the failure of the government to bring developmental projects to the Ashanti Region.

He accused President Akufo-Addo and his party, the New Patriotic Party (NPP), of taking the Ashanti Region for granted. In an interview on the ‘For The Records’ programme, aired on Sunday, May 21, 2023, Nana Mensah-Bonsu said that the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) which gets small votes in the Ashanti Region has implemented more projects in the Ashanti Region then the NPP government.

He added that the Akufo-Addo government is the worst he has seen, asking "whether the president had any education".

“I am here to fight for Ashanti. Akufo-Addo should come and point out all the development projects he has brought to the Ashanti Region and let Mahama also do same.

“… has Akufo-Addo gone to school since he came into politics, who is his classmate? Who did he go to law school with? Who did he go to the university with? He has not brought any project to the Ashanti Region,” he said.

“I beg you call the NDC and call the NPP for them to come and account for what they have done in the Ashanti Region. We’re not fools. If we were blind yesterday, today we can see that it is raining and the ground is wet,” he said in Twi.

The Otumfuo Ahenenana went on to list a number of projects started by the John Dramani Mahama administration, including the Sofoline Interchange in Kumasi, which the Akufo-Addo government has failed to complete in the over six years it has been in office.


The paramount chief of Nsien:

The Paramount Chief of Nsien Traditional Area, in the Western Region, Awulai Agyefi Kwame, was also one of the traditional rulers who criticized the Akufo-Addo-led administration, describing the president’s second term as a disaster for the people of his region in terms of developmental works.

He said he is disappointed with the government's approach to addressing the region's needs, saying that the Western Region had not received the respect and dignity it deserved. One of his concerns is the deteriorating state of the region's road infrastructure.

He questioned whether, after the resounding "4 More 4 Nana" campaign, there had been any significant improvement in the condition of the roads, particularly the stretch from Agona Nkwanta to Takoradi.

"If we are supposed to speak the truth, our roads have deteriorated more during this NPP era than any other government. The government's failure in the Western region is evident. Simply put, 'Four More for Nana' has been a disaster for the Western region.

“If we discuss the minerals, they receive from this region to develop the country…most leaders, including Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah, hailed from this region, and this is our reward,” he said in an exclusive interview with the media.

"I am saying that the voice of the Western Region is not heard in Nana Akufo-Addo and Dr Bawumia's NPP government. If Nananom doesn't wake up, our roads will deteriorate even further than they are now,” he added.

The Asantehene:

The overload of the Ashanti Kingdom, Asantehene, Otumfuo Osei Tutu II, also came at the Akufo-Addo government in 2023, even though his criticism was more measured. He called out the government on some issues including its handling of the fight against illegal small-scale mining (galamsey) and the handling of the economic crisis.

The Asantehene, while addressing the 56th Congregation on the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNSUT) in March 2023, bemoaned the lack of transparency on issues to do with the economy; calling on the government to come clean on the state of Ghana’s economy including the Domestic Debt Exchange Programme.

“Our debt level has become unsustainable pushing the government to roll out a domestic debt exchange programme that aims to restructure the nation’s debt and ensure some fiscal space for the country to operate.

“Sadly, it appears public consultation did not take place before the programme commenced. The nation is currently in a tense mood even though government has announced the completion of the programme. I want to implore government to demonstrate high level of transparency and be candid in these difficult times in order to win the trust and confidence of the general public,” the king said.

The Asantehene's criticism of the government’s fight against galamsey, however, was much more subtle compared to that of 2022, where he accused the government of knowing the people behind the menace but refusing to arrest them.

This time around, the Otumfuo admonished the Akufo-Addo government to emulate his style of deposing chiefs who are involved in galamsey.

“Not so long ago, we all heard of actions I took against some chiefs in my kingdom who were either covertly or overtly involved in galamsey activities, and I urge the government to take reciprocal actions in the fight against galamsey,” he said at the 57th Congregation of KNUST in November 2023.

The Paramount Chief of Lower Axim:

Unlike the Asantehene, the Paramount Chief of Lower Axim Traditional Area, Awulae Attibrikusu III, had more strong words for the Akufo-Addo government for its fight against galamsey. According to him, politicians finance nearly 90% of galamsey in Ghana, making the government's effort to fight the menace a joke.

Speaking at the Grand Durbar of the 2023 Axim Kundum, in September 2023, Omanhene Attibrikusu III, said that the government knows what to do to stop illegal mining in Ghana, but it is merely engaging in window-dressing.

He added that the government keeps blaming chiefs for the increase in galamsey activities, but the chiefs have no powers to stop them.

“When it comes to the issue of galamsey, I would always say without fear or favour that the government is full of jokers. I would say this anywhere. Why do I say the government are jokers, as I am seated here, I don’t have any apparatus, I don’t command the police or the soldiers.

“The chamfans that are used for galamsey are imported, who controls the harbour? Is it not the government? So, if the government places an embargo on the import of chamfans, who is going to import them? Who am I, to go and give an order that the import of chamfans should be stopped?

“That is why I’m saying and I would also say it that the government are jokers. They don’t know what they are talking about. It is only the government who can stop galamsey and not chiefs,” he said.

He added that galamsey is destroying the land and water bodies in the country, but the government has not made up its mind to stop it.

He said that for the first time since he became chief, 35 years ago, he has had to go and buy fish at Takoradi because there were no fish in the water bodies in his area.


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