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Sports Features of Saturday, 5 September 2015


Source: Edusei, Eric

Asante kotoko should appeal against the ‘galamsey’ verdict

Ghana is a strange place with eccentric and complex people. It is therefore paradoxical to see many intelligent people behaving like dumb under weird circumstance when they want to twist facts, circumvent the truth and cause mischief. This explains why a whole Attorney General and her deputy, assisted by many intelligent advisors can collude to negotiate with Woyome, to dispense millions of state money knowing very well that the person in question has no locus. What they failed consciously to realize is that a conditional contract is voidable and non –bidding if the condition spelt out in the contract is unfulfilled before a specified date.
I have been listening to commentary on the ruling by the GFA Disciplinary Committee and the circumstances leading to Kumasi Asante Kotoko’s demise, and I seem to have a problem with their verdict. Granting the fact that Obed Owusu committed the three yellow cards, what I want to know is, for how many matches is he supposed to lose, one match or two matches? The GFA rule 39(5)V states that a player who carries 3 yellow cards like Obed is supposed to miss the next official game. If it is one match then which team has the locus to appeal to GFA for redress if any? Is it Chelsea, Ashgold or Hearts since only one team has the locus? The GFA rule of 39 (i)e also indicate that a team which fields an unqualified player is supposed to lose 3 points. Granting that Asante Kotoko fielded an unqualified player subsequent to Obed’s infringements and supposed to lose 3 points to the first opposing team per the above rule, which team therefore has the locus to invoke that rule? Is it Chelsea, Ashgold or Hearts?
After the supposedIly three yellow cards infringement by Obed Owusu, he was mandated to lose one match or 3 point for violation. Interestingly, Hearts of Oaks was not the first team Kotoko played so they do not have the locus to seek for redress under the law. However, it was Berekum Chelsea which has the locus to sue under law since Obed was disqualified by GFA during their match with them and their rights do not roll over to any other body but themselves within a specified time. In other words, Obed Owusu was not disqualified during Kotoko and Hearts encounter, and possibly could not have sued under the rules the GFA. This ‘galamsey’ verdict should not be allowed to stand understand this weird and complex circumstances.
In any institution we have the law and above the law is justice. What is the difference between official and sanctioned matches apart from friendly matches? Why are we using unnecessary technicalities to circumvent the truth and create mischief? Asante Kotoko should fight the ruling of the GFA Disciplinary Committee by using the established procedures before going to court because this case could possibly end up at the Supreme Court for interpretation. Our struggle is a just one and besides, we fight battles we know we can win and this is certainly one of them. Asante Kotoko leadership should realize that the battle cry is off and it is time to show case our sterner stuff to overcome the gerrymandering activities of the so-called disciplinary committee which have no conscience and principles.