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Sports Features of Wednesday, 24 November 2004


Source: SpaceFM

B/A United- Wailing From Afar.

Some say it is normal and others say it is part of the game but I think but I beg to differ from the mediocre minds that have brought this calamity on us. I know I can?t cry over spilt milk but whether half and half milk or evaporated milk I have to give it to ?em raw because they should me held responsible for their greediness and for misleading the thousands of B/A United supporters. They accused the past management of being complacent and irresponsible in their dealings with the club and even had the guts to implicate some of us in the infamous MAY 9 attack on SPACE FM 87.7 when yours truly was then, having fun on the late afternoon show.

These hoodlums or if you wish crack heads or better still self-seeking gold diggers led by the out of touch ?QUEEN GEORGE? and his cronies attacked us with stones and clubs like they were remaking the film of Conan and the Barbarians. These people managed to brainwash the teaming supporters of this great club I have supported from my days us a child growing up in New-Town. The attack was so scary that my well built anchor Kwabena Kyere stuggard, sought refuge in a neighbor?s ward-drub without knocking on her door. They thought soccer is all about transfer to Europe and the Middle-East little did they realized it is all about debt and huge debts and I hope the rule of go with your debt will be applicable to these crack-heads. They knew from get go Queen George was a divider and is on the wanted list of football fugitives but they side stepped all the troubles it will pose to pursue their own agenda. An agenda of enriching themselves with gate proceeds from Kotoko, Hearts and Bofoakwa matches. Whether that materialized or not, they have to clean up this mess or the fans should speak to them in a language which they understand very well.

I think the discerning supporters of this great club will agree with me that when ever the club is progressing, some self professed die-hard supporters come aboard the ship and rip it apart. After deceiving the supporters into believing their ideas are good, what are they going to tell us again or are they going to come up with another queen led revolution? It is my prayer that we will do a little bit of soul searching and apologize to the Kings and custodians of this club for the forgiveness of sins because the integrity was questioned when the crack heads lied about them. Until the past wrongs are put right, the stinking smell of the old wounds will make things uncomfortable in any new management even if you have the likes of Philip Kotler on board.

I will urge every loving supporter of the club to stand up in these trying times for us to claim what?s for us but now in the hands of cracked heads.