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Sports Features of Monday, 14 May 2012


Source: Adzie, Eric Eli

Ho Sports Stadium At Its Best.

The Ho Sports Stadium has once again shown its true colors as water lock area during a Division One League match between Hot Steel FC and Red Bull Academy. The pitch was engorge with rain water after a minimum downpour which necessitated the referee to rain off the match as players of both sides couldn’t control or pass the ball on the field of play . The swampy nature of the field once again helped largely in holding excessive water on the field of play for over three hours. The situation was even worse as the drainage system of the pitch was completely blocked and water was running over the playing surface like a lagoon. This was not the first time such a situation had occurred at this venue and for many, it was very unfortunate as it retrogress the growth and excitement of sports in the region. The stadium which is estimated to hold 5000 spectators cannot boast of even 1000 because of its limitations. The deplorable nature of the pitch has driven a lot of Premiership and Division One league clubs away from the township and is a great cause of worry for the populace. The pitch even in dry season, still has water collating at one end of it with underground water also running through the stands which provides difficulty to spectators as they fight for the few plastic chairs available. Over the years, the Ministry of Youth and Sports has been headed by citizens of the region but has failed in addressing the problem. Former sports minister Hon. Akua Sena Dansua and Hon. Clement Kofi Humado the current Minister for Youth and Sports as well as Mr. Worlanyo Agra, Director General of National Sports Authority all come from the region.

Mr. Clement Kofi Humado, earlier in March 2012 accompanied by Mr. Worlanyo Agra, inspected the propose site for the establishment of a sports complex in Ho. The inspection of the plot was to prepare the grounds for the commencement of work on the facility. The minister also announced that rehabilitation works would also begin on the Ho Sports Stadium as soon as possible with Mr. Agra who also added his voice by calling for a technical report and the estimates for rehabilitation of the stadium.

Over three months gone and nothing had been heard from the ministry or the sports authority.

The people of Volta region have repeatedly called on successive government to come to the aid of the region as the growing population is rapid and the current stadium cannot meet the demands of the people but all falling on deaf ears. The question one asks is until when will the people of the Volta region have their fair share of the national cake??????????????

Source: Eric Eli Adzie.