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Sports News of Saturday, 7 December 2019



How a footballer's dreams crushed due to disability; sad story of Kelvin Amenour

Kelvin Nana Amenour play videoKelvin Nana Amenour

In a sad report, a 24-year-old man who is a barber and identified as Kelvin Nana Amenour has detailed how his dream of becoming a footballer has been crashed by disability.

Narrating his story on SVTV Africa, he disclosed to host DJ Nyaami how the events of the negligence of nurse-led to his disability.

Kelvin revealed that, at age 7, a team of medical professionals came to their school for a medical check-up.

Even though he didn’t want to partake in the screening, he was forced to come and take an injection. Following the injection, the needle got broke inside his leg resulting in him being paralysed for life.

“Some Doctors and Nurses came to our school when I was young, at age 7. They came to do health check-up and medical sensitization, for some reasons I didn’t want to be part but I was forced by one of my madams. So I went to take the injection, unfortunately for me, the needle got broken in me but the nurse didn’t say it and that led to me being paralyzed and crushed my dream of becoming a professional footballer.”  

He stated that since then life has been very unfair to him. Kelvin revealed that he had completed Junior HighSchool but due to his condition and financial issues he could not continue his education and fulfil his dream of becoming a footballer.

According to him, due to how things were becoming very unfavourable for himself and his mother, he had to travel from the Volta region to Ashamian to look for work to do, and send money back to his mother for her upkeep.

Kelvin further revealed that through a friend he managed to get a barbering job in Gbetsile, a suburb of Ashaiman.

He stated that he now has been left with a huge task of providing for his sick mum, adding that the weight of the burden is really having a toll on him.

The 24-year-old barber who is currently living with his friend pointed out that, the negligence of the nurse who later disappeared from the village has made him vow not to step foot at any hospital for the rest of his life.

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