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Diasporia News of Wednesday, 29 September 2021


Source: Hododiooho, Contributor

Presbyterian Moderator’s visit helps resolve long-standing flooding issue in Chicago Presbyterian Church

Rt. Rev. Prof. Joseph Obiri Yeboah Mante, PhD Rt. Rev. Prof. Joseph Obiri Yeboah Mante, PhD

1. Moderator of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian church helped raise over $25,000.00 to solve the perennial basement flooding of Chicago Church.

2. All Presbyterian Churches in North America to Preach in English before interpretation into Ghanaian languages.

3. The Presbyterian church projects districts in each state of the US within 25 years.

Moderator of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church of Ghana, Rt. Rev. Prof. Joseph Obiri Yeboah Mante, Ph.D., paid an unforgettable visit to the Presbyterian Church of Ghana International Redemption Congregation, Chicago, and the Bolingbrook Preaching Point on September 22, 2021, at the Chicago Church premises, 741 E. 84th Street, Chicago Illinois.

The visit was part of the Presbyterian church’s constitution, which mandates its moderators to visit with presbyteries across the globe.

The moderator was accompanied by Rev. R.O Asenso,, and Illinois District Minister; Rev. Frank Addo, Presbytery Clerk, and Rev. J.J Kumi Duodu, NAAP Chairperson.

In his address, the moderator projected that in 25 years, there will be a district in each state of the US. In 2023, the Chicago Redemption Congregation is expected to have 700 members to qualify it as a district.

Upon a complaint of perennial flooding in the basement of the current church, the moderator was able to help raise over Twenty-Five thousand dollars needed to fix the problem. The church also has an ongoing parking problem which could be resolved or eased by developing an area on the church premises at a total cost of thirty thousand dollars.

During a question-and-answer session, the moderator addressed an issue where preaching is conducted in the Akan language to the detriment of members who don’t speak or understand the language. He declared openly that going forward, all preaching must be conducted in English before translation into local languages.

Rt. Rev. Prof. Joseph Obiri Yeboah Mante informed the congregation that the General Assembly of the Presby church has declared “Jesus Christ the light of the world” as the theme of the church year 2021. He, therefore, chose Isaiah 60:1 which states “Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you” as the theme for the evening service.

Many in the audience went home spirit-filled as the man of God preached under the anointing of the Holy Ghost and not in some words of wisdom of man. After the service the affable moderator was

The visit by the Moderator has indeed whipped up the enthusiasm of the congregation. The handful of members present were able to raise over twenty-five thousand dollars and promised to attain district status in 2023.