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Africa News of Sunday, 30 June 2024


Source: BBC

At least 18 killed in northern Nigeria blasts

Nigeria's military has been fighting Boko Haram militants in Borno Nigeria's military has been fighting Boko Haram militants in Borno

In Nigeria's northeastern Borno state, at least 18 people have been killed and 30 injured in a series of blasts, with one attack occurring at a wedding.

The state's emergency management agency confirmed that suspected suicide bombers targeted a wedding, funeral, and hospital in Gwoza. Borno, the center of a 15-year insurgency by Boko Haram militants, has faced significant violence and displacement.

Boko Haram gained international attention in 2014 for kidnapping over 270 schoolgirls from Chibok. While the confirmed death toll stands at 18, local reports suggest it could be as high as 30.

A military curfew has been imposed, and no group has claimed responsibility.

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