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Africa News of Friday, 28 June 2024


Source: BBC

Kenyan court allows military deployment to quell protests

Thursday's protests were smaller and less violent than earlier in the week Thursday's protests were smaller and less violent than earlier in the week

Kenya's High Court has approved the use of military force to restore order after anti-tax protests overwhelmed the police.

More than 20 people have been killed in these protests, primarily led by young people against proposed tax hikes. Armored military vehicles patrolled Nairobi, and police used tear gas to disperse protesters threatening the presidential palace.

Justice Lawrence Mugambi allowed military deployment but demanded clarification on its duration and rules of engagement. President William Ruto withdrew the finance bill following protests. Allegations of abductions and killings by state agents have intensified calls for Ruto’s resignation.

The Law Society of Kenya opposes the military's role in handling the protests.

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