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Track & Field News of Tuesday, 24 February 2015


Source: Sammy Heywood Okine

Millennium Marathon to boast Trade, Sports Tourism and Health

The first international marathon to take place in Ghana on September 6, 2015 has been described as another opportunity to boast the economy of Ghana with the focus on trade and tourism promotion.
Ashim Morton, Managing Partner of the Millennium Marathon Sports Company said the stake holders are working hard in collaboration with governmental agencies and the private sector to organize a memorable event.
He noted that the epic international marathon which is expected to attract over 15,000 runners locally and internationally will see Ethiopian legend Haile Gebreselassie as the race director.
According to Morton, the greatest African marathon runner will be in Accra to motivate and inspire both spectators and participants of the half marathon that will start from the Independence Square and end at the same place.
He hinted that the course will be one of the flattest marathons in Africa and will make it ideal and popular for people wishing to take part in the New York or Boston marathons in the United States.
He expressed that the motive is to create an annual world class sports and tourist event alongside a fun and health programme for Ghana, hence they are working with the Ghana Government, Ministries of Youth & Sports, Tourism, Health, Accra Metropolitan Assembly (AMA), Diplomatic Corps, Ethiopia Airlines and the Ethiopian Embassy in Accra as well as local businesses and volunteers.
He stated that the Millennium Marathon will have positive economic benefits whilst showcasing Accra, Ghana to the rest of the world as the event will be carried live on TV.
Ambassador Morton noted that the renowned warm hospitality of Ghanaians will be showcased like the rich culture, creative arts, music and dance as thousands of people line the streets of Accra to cheer on the runners.
He reiterated that the marathon will promote healthy living lifestyle for all with a Fitness and Health Expo to highlight the event as expose the dangers of diabetes, obesity, heart attacks, and stroke which are destroying families in Africa.
“We shall offer talks by health professionals to inform and educate locals of a better way of life” he said.
The Media lunch of the Millennium Marathon has been fixed for Alisa Hotel on March 10, 2015.