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Music of Friday, 1 December 2006



Anita Again

Last Sunday?s Mentor 2 show offered a surprise package for second-time evictee Anita Nageh whose two-week?s return to the house rather seemed to have incurred the displeasure of the same public who voted her back in.

Anita, who has been evicted again, had to grapple with the sudden disfavour she received from the same public who enthusiastically voted her back into the house.

People among the audience and the viewing public whom Graphic Showbiz spoke to were not surprised that she had been evicted for the second time.

To some, she just did not have the talent and was very boring on stage. Others were of the opinion that though she had a good voice, she did not strike them as an interesting personality among the other housemates.

As though she knew she would be the one to leave the house that night, Anita just smiled and said she was cool with the decision of the public and judges following a question of how she was feeling by the MC, Fiifi Ashun, after the sad announcement had been made.

However, it was disappointing for her to have put up a spirited performance which had to be thwarted by most of the judges and the public.

Her performance of musician Kwabena Kwabena?s I Go Die had her singing and dancing in a much confident manner in contrast to her old ?dull days? which brought about her first eviction.

Though she tried hard to prove her revamp from her previous flaws, the judges were not quite impressed. Their comments were that she concentrated more on her dancing than on her singing and at most times, she felt confused as touching her body movements and the lyrics of the song.

Anita was the first contestant in the show to be evicted, a shocking incident which made her suffer a traumatic experience resulting in two days of intensive medical care at the Holy Trinity Medical Centre, North Kaneshie.

As part of the show, however, the public were given the chance to vote their favourite evictee back into the house via SMS texting in the course of the weeks and the fortunate mantle fell on Anita whom they thought deserved a second chance to prove her mettle.

Her re-eviction at such a short interval could be described as the judges and public?s expression of disappointment in her.

However, according to close sources, the 19 year old native of Dodowa has no intentions of quitting music. She is reportedly planning to extend her talent by participating in other entertainment shows details of which have not been revealed since everything is still on the planning table.

Last Sunday?s Mentor show had other side attractions like Akosua Agyapong?s costume with a silver-coloured mask over her eyes while Kofi, one of the housemates had a white towel wrapped around his head with dark shades over his eyes to imitate the appearance of Kojo Antwi whose Tom and Jerry he performed.

Despite these excitements, a section of the public and staff of TV3 expressed disappointment at the show.

Some said that Mentor 1 was more exciting than Mentor 2 though there has been an improvement in the talents of the contestants in the latter.

According to some staff of TV3, the frequent calls from the public which the organisers received from the previous show had drastically reduced in comparison to this particular show.

A section of the public claimed that it was due to the ?30, 000 charged as gate fee to bring in ?high-class? audience who are inactive and make the show boring. Others claimed that the kind of media hype which Mentor 1 gained is missing in Mentor 2.