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Music of Saturday, 12 June 2004



Calvary Singers Follow Adventists Tradition

Seventh Day Adventists (SDAs) are a unique people who posses a great deal of experience when it comes to music which distinguishes them from all others.

They favour singers in groups, have great voices which they utilize to perfection in the synhronistaion of all four music parts (tenor, treble, alto and bass), good and educative lyrics, a penchant for using indigenous instruments rather than computer generated ones and of course their rhythms which have enjoyed constancy over the years.

In fact, the main thing that gets their music noticed everywhere is the rhythm. It has a uniqueness that one cannot find anywhere and this has helped immensely in separating their music from others.

Calvary singers are another Adventist group that has been ministering for the past eight years and are now releasing their maiden album, titled ?Saul?.

The group which is made up of Alfred Frimpong, Joshua Frimpong, Lydia Owusu, Elder Y.A. Appiah and Florence Boamah was born out of a mutual interest in music.

According to Joshua, the leader, ?the five of us used to evangelise together and through that we realized we had good voices which if combined would be beneficial to us and that?s how the group was formed?.

?Saul? was not stray from the style of SDA type of songs but embodies all characteristics. It is a 10 track CD, eight cassette album that has forgiveness and love themes running through most of the songs.

?Adom Bi? is one such song that talks about God?s forgiveness for sinners. It is about how his saving grace has saved the musicians from a worse fate and is done in mid tempo vein.

?Saul? also talks about God?s forgiveness making use of a familiar Bible story about Paul. It recounts Saul?s experience on the way to Damascus to persecute Christians and how God touched, forgave and saved him, giving him a new name.

In the mid tempo vein, the message is powerfully clear that God?s love for his children is strong and that he will forgive us any sins we commit.

?Ebenezer? is fast paced with the keyboards enhancing the song greatly. It also talks about God?s love for his children and how he makes rejected people count among honourable men because of his love.

On ?Anadwo Sum?, they beseech God to protect them from the forces of evil that will threaten them during the night while they sleep.

Other songs on the album are ?Canaan?, ?Director?, ?Jerusalem?, ?Alpha ne Omega?, ?Ko Ma Me? and the Acapella version of ?Saul?.

All the songs were written by Joshua Frimpong and recorded at Celestial Midi Tone Studios, Taifa and produced by Knight Ofosuhene Darkwa for Osdark Productions.