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Music of Sunday, 7 December 2003



Dominiq: Ever Faithful

Dominiq Dominiq, a young songwriter, singer and producer is gradually making impact in the life of our young generation with the gift that God has given him in the city of Toronto. As a child, his Sunday school teacher would call him up to lead the class or teach a song. Even though he felt shy, he loved it but never had a thought he will be doing what he is doing today.

He started singing in his Elementary school days until the day he came to know Jesus Christ as his personal savior. Being raised in a catholic family made it tough for him to accomplish what he wanted as his mother was ready to throw him out of the house for his new faith. Glory be to God today, almost his enitire family is a born again and supports his ministry. After him getting saved, he decided that whatever he does and no matter what it is, he going to do it to the glory of God. Besides, secular music was his hardest struggle when he got saved and it always tried to make him backslide.

This has given him so much passion to win the lost to Christ through his music in these days,where the devil has corrupted our music so much and it is destroying the life of our young people. We all know that Satan was the music in heaven and now that God has given his position to us, he gets jealous and wants to rob us of our royalty. He says  ,"There is anointing in the old fashioned hymns and I love them!; but what Psalm 95 & 96 gives us a full meaning of true worship and the new song. Our baby Christians most of the times also struggle with these secular music. It's like "you can't feed a 6 month baby with solid food,because it will kill the child" .Now people get this straight; I believe every genre of music is of God and it basically depends on the culture. Besides, the music was in heaven before the devil corrupted it. Also Satan tries to counterfeit everything God does and its up to the children of God to let these things have its true meaning. Now, if a young person is tempted to listen to secular song because of the beat, then we do have some that can really bless their hearts and is anointed

Nowadays, people are not clear as to whether this Christian contemporary music is a sin or not. Honestly, it's all in your heart and whatever you are doing, do it as unto the Lord. Some of these songs  are anointed, some are not. I always ask God to bless each song and let it fulfill the purpose for which he sent it. As young as I am, I seek to help young people aspiring to become artists to write, produce and arrange not forgetting to let them know the reason for this call or anything at all they want to do in the Kingdom. My desire is to help every young person with gifts or talents to use it to glorify the father ;I don't want to see my fellow brothers go through the situations I've been through and since we are in the same age range , I can relate appropriately to their circumstances.  I am just a man and I have availed myself for God to use me.

"God is pouring out His Spirit on the young people, and if we don't allow them to praise Him freely, we will lose them to the world. We are waging a counter attack against the spirit of darkness that is captivating our youth through music. This spirit is behind the music and the lyrics that cause so much violence, disrespect, disregard for human life, and discord on every hand. I am a warrior for the Lord, ushering in a new sound, to minister to the hearts of our world. I bring encouragement and inspiration." He says; "what matters to me the most is to get the people's attention with the beat and preach, teach, also not forgetting prayer. I also believe people get delivered and healed by Jesus Christ as they dance freely like King David did and flow to the anointing of the music".

His ongoing CD project entitled "the birth" contains tracks that has his testimony,the love of God and salvation. For the reason behind this title, watch out for the release in February 2004.

To God be all the glory forever. Amen!