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Music of Saturday, 22 November 2003



Gone Too Soon (March 23, 1982 - October 31, 2003)

The devastating news about hip-life?s worst casuality yet hit us with fill-ins of, ?Terry was going? and then suddenly ?Terry had gone? by one of the few musicians who went to see the body at the 37 military hospital. The news came in within the span of an hour, few minutes before Joy FM broke the news.

One moment, I had to refer to the large calendar on our walls to be sure it wasn?t another April 1. But it read October 31. Later on, calls to Terry?s personal Buzz cellular line (of course, answered by his brother) made the news as true and sure as he (Terry) was not picking up next year?s Ghana Music Awards Artiste of the Year honour.

Right from the beginning, we were feeling Terry. The way his act constantly told any other stage personality to sit up and to do their own thing and do it uniquely out-of-this-world. The way he flowed, dressed, treated and entertained those who paid to see him on stage most atimes made us forget that ?there was such thing as NO money in the system?- I mean he gives you a show your money?s worth. The way he was trying to tell us all that it wasn?t just about the lyrics, and that it was also about the act. Else Terry was an even tighter lyricist? He had exponentials of bars full of thrills, lip-friendly jargons and street naratives you didn?t expect to hear on tape- but may be somewhere close to the seashore. ?Pulele?, ?Gbebi Akle?, ?Ghana Lady? among so many more.

When there was about too much of NDC-NPP on our airwaves, Terry ?Bonchaka? Adjetey was the next thing you heard on radio. He made us realized that we had an industry that can boasts of diversity.

And now it feels very different talking to fellow musicians and especially those quite close to Terry [matter of fact no two different artists are ?very close? in the right sense of the words]. Musician Slim Busterr will try all he can to help anyone who?s interesting in digging to the very root of this story. Obrafour is really (and he really is) touched. Abrewanana also prevy to the sight at the hospital, of Terry?s body, would cry mad like a two-minutes old baby even when she was aware she was being heard by close to half of radio-listening public of Greater Accra and it?s environs- courtesy Peace FM.

Lord Kenya wouldn?t know whether or not to pull his then two weeks old latest album off the market since Terry?s is undoubtedly one major reason why it?s doing somehow well on the market. And, perhaps, the closest he had to an artist, sound engineer Zapp Mallet (TLC studios) will pause for plenty moments before settling behind the mixing board to laying any one else?s beat. Some were not ready to listen to the stories making round because they had their own opinion about Terry?s death. Some of them, since Terry?s death, are beginning to treat everyday as if it was their last. ?We are now living in fear and not in an industry?, cute rapper Tiny manages these words sobbly in clinched teeth.

Terry, only 22, clearly lived the fullest of life any other artist could within his last nine months on earth. The age most of us are looking for our first low paying, photcopy-making, post secondary school or (if you?re ?shark? enough university) jobs, Terry has already achieved success as a musician, a stage showman and a REAL trendsetter.

To describe him in three words, he was an ?embodiment of creativity? and in just two, ?entertainment personified??. Trying a word, ?stylish?.

Personally, I sometimes feel very guilty; that I have not been at all fair to Terry. He had (more than 20 times) said the following words to me ?The only time you call me is when you want another artist?s phone number or want to know what happened to another artist while I were there. You never call to put me on the front cover of your Sound music magazine?. When he won the national hip-life championship, I only managed less that 10-lines in my story in Sound and a not-so-solid comment on him in my report in the arts page of the Daily Dispatch newspaper.

When I was the co-ordinator of Obrafour?s National Campaign for Greater Discipline - The Platinum Project, I do remember that on more than two occassions when the office of the vice President wanted a very creative and crowd-pulling musician for their special events, apart from Obrafour they always mentioned Terry Bonchaka.

His premature death has really increase my resolve. I have just made a brand new vow: From this day I will always pay attention to an artist or just anyone that keeps asking me to make people pay attention to them. So now, regretful though, that he?s not here to read his own words, I?m dedicating this tribute to the life he would have loved to live again and again on earth. Nothing. Nothing at all is newsworthy at the moment. Terry of all is the reason for my increased resolve. The following are a celebration - of his life, his little but inflential achievements, his vision and more. I only wish I had had the chance to get to know him even better. But, gossshhh! When and where again? In heaven I trust.

For what I got wrong in this feature blame it on me, because to make mistakes usually results from a failure to ask the right questions and not from erroneous information given. Contestable though. Well, I must go. If this has in any way changed your thinking of Terry Bonchaka or Ghana music in general, PLEASE do tell someone or e-mail me at [email protected] about that change.

And To Terry?s Mom:

If you are reading this, I would just like to say that you raised a wonderful human being and I was glad he was able to share his life with us through his expressive music and life. You should be very proud. He will live on forever amongst the largest legends. He is greatly missed and I listen to him every single day, I will keep doing it till God knows when. I believe since his death, hip-life has taken a major downfall. Terry was hip-life and without him, it?s not the same. RIP Terry, and Madam Charllote (and Mr. Robert Adjetey) Keep Ya Heads Up - From the entire Ghana Music.Com team.


This page will be dedicated to all you fans of Terry Bonchaka who want to reminisce, grieve or share information and/or memories about him.  E-mail us at [email protected].

Other Terry Bonchaka Links

And The Speaker Went Dumb! ? As Terry Bonchaka Rides ?Home?

Pictures from Funeral

Homeward Bound: The Life & Times of Terry Bonchaka

In Rememberance of Terry 

Pictures from Bonchaka Nite 

Studio Pictures