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Music of Sunday, 15 February 2004



Kwasi Tay Releases Second Album

The list of foreign-based Ghanaian artistes, with great voices, will certainly not be complete without the name of Kwasi Tay.

His name may not be on the lips of every music lover, but the lyric that make up the tracks on his album will surely find soft spots in many hearts.

With his wild down-cut hair and stage showmanship, Kwasi Tay is well-known in the United States as one of the outstanding Ghanaian musicians who has made an impressive impact on the international music scene.

His musical work has placed him among the rare crop of American musicians whose songs carry specific social messages, aimed at reforming society.

He has also performed on so many international music platforms, alongside well-known international artistes like Daddy Lumba, Kojo Antwi, Akyeame, among others.

With the grand success behind him, Kwasi Tay is bustling with insatiable determination to become one of the best musicians in Ghana.

The rap, in all his songs, are done in a normal hip-hop style, rendered in a dance-hall style, liven up the songs on the album so much.

The beats in all the songs flow, plus the sound of the bass guitar, and drums in the background, tell one that Kwasi Tay will soon become a force to reckon with.

The album which has nine exciting songs sang in both English and Ewe, with Twi raps, a blend of local and foreign instruments, making good danceable rhythms.

Kwasi admits that his first discovered his vocal ability somewhere in 1990, when he was a disc jockey (DJ) in the States, featuring at various night clubs and other functions.

He released in first album in 1998, in Ghana and the States. This sensational musician who has carried away the hearts of many music lovers, is a professional accountant working with a private firm in the States, while also a songwriter, composer, producer and dancer.

Kwasi Tay?s voice on all his album is cheerful, indeed; it appears to be on intimate terms with the listener, providing in the process, a kind of exaltation that is both exciting and delicate.

Although he strives to be the best at whatever he does, Kwasi Tay is keen to point out that he leaves it to others to judge the quality of his performance.

Some of the songs on the album flow on the wings of a body-moving hip-hop rhythm. The lyrics in all the songs are good, but the same cannot be hinted the connection between the instrumentation and the vocal rendition.

Kwasi Tay?s latest album exhibits a hidden talent in the songs, with a beautiful well-tuned chorus. It has also been equipped with good rhythm and beats. His touch with good rhythm is portrayed in his presentation in all the songs on the album.

Kwasi Tay told Beatwaves: ?I was into PanAfricanism, and thought the only means to send my messages across is through music?.

When asked whether he sees himself as a successful musician, he replied, ?I think I have been a successful musician, because I have been able to release successful albums on the music market?.

Kwasi Tay?s latest album, Prelude, to be released later next month, is currently promoting the first single on the album.

Born Eric Kwasi Tay to Mr Paul Tay and Madam Mary Agodoa in Sovie, near Kpando in the Volta. Kwasi Tay, who had his primary education in Koforidua, left the shores of Ghana at the age of 15 for Washington in the United States where he had lived for over 20 years.

According to him, he started music as a hobby, before turning it in a career, which has made him what he is today.

Kwasi is a musician music lovers would like to see on stage performing, due to his creative style and stage-craft, and many audiences has marveled at his performance on stage, especially at some of the international events.

What was your first public performance? ?I was curious than anxious, to tell the truth. During the performance, when I noticed how the audience liked our music, I could really let go, and let my feelings flow. I lived toward that goal, so when I finally got to be on stage, it was a dream come true. And I have to indicate, the positive reactions from the audience were very encouraging?.

Whatever the style of music, Slim has done it. He is the kind of artiste that the audience across the music spectrum would appreciate. He is optimistic about his future in the music business and has ?a few basement tunes? in the pipeline soon to be available on the music market. His intention is to show the world that he won?t be slighted.

For more on Kwasi Tay, just grab a copy of his cassette.