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Music of Friday, 18 July 2008



Let’s all help Daniel Ayisi build “Oman Ghana”

In an era where any teenager with ProTools can compose a beat or song on his laptop, it is altogether rare to encounter a wholly live, sample-free, recorded album such as Daniel Ayisi’s album. The album is fully loaded with good instrumentation, men you should hear the trumpets blown in the beginning of a song on his album titled, “Oman Ghana”.

The album’s theme might be puzzling to fans, but they need buy a copy of the album or visit the following websites – to have a feel his album, “Nyame Nim”.

The most loved song on the album, “Oman Ghana” highlights on the nation - Ghana and how we the citizens can make it a better place for all of us. He tags the song as a political song but I say it should be a national inspiring song and his timing is good for the upcoming December elections in Ghana.

Nana Akufo-Addo, Dr. Paa Kwesi Nduom, John E. Atta Mills, Dan Lartey or Dr Edward Mahama hasn’t won the presidency yet, but am sure when they hear “Oman Ghana” which is already having an impact on people they would love the song and add it to their campaign.

Gospel man, Daniel Ayisi has just hit the music scene with bold collection of songs that are fit for all ages.

I have personally listened to the full album and I know what he means which will definitely make it one the most memorable gospel albums of 2008.

Daniel Ayisi is currently putting final touches to his video that he will add to his promotional materials.

Other stand-out tracks on “Nyame Nim” include title track, “Nyame Nim”, “Awurade Na Yebe Som”, “Asem Adooso”, “Oyinkye” and more.

The album’s inspiration is indeed a global one. Business deals are welcomed by callin 233 24 415 6320, 233 27 160 9892 and 233 20 698 1139. Read his full interview below.

Ghana  How do you define Christian music?

Daniel Ayisi: Christian music is the type of music that has all its message falling within the word of God.

Ghana Did your album, “Nyame Nim” take some time to do?

Daniel Ayisi: Yes. ‘Nyame Nim’ presents a message on God’s word talking to the downcast who might have exhausted all prayers for any breakthrough to continue to look to God who has unique breakthrough times and ways for everybody.

Ghana Do you think the album will surprise a few fans?

Daniel Ayisi: Yes and could be a lot of fun.

Ghana  What is behind the curtains of your album?

Daniel Ayisi: My personal belief that there is nothing impossible to achieve.

Ghana What’s your approach to addressing Christianity in music?

Daniel Ayisi: The approach of not being judgmental in any way since after all judgment belongs to God and none is perfect, presenting encouragement not being precise on issues like about sickness or poverty but being general. In this, the musician is able to catch the attention of all rather than being specific which cuts off some attention in a way.

Ghana What’s the political message in the song, titled “Oman Ghana”?

Daniel Ayisi: That, Ghana has being blessed with all things calling on all to offer their individual work and service contributions to make Ghana a great place for all.

Ghana Nana Akufo Addo’s motto is “Believe in Ghana”. Do you agree with him politically?

Daniel Ayisi: Yes. I understand him in this that Ghana is capable to match up to the progressed communities by virtue of the natural endowment in the country.

Ghana  So it means you have you been following the 2008 presidential election campaigns so far?

Daniel Ayisi: Yes.

Ghana Will you vote?

Daniel Ayisi: Yes

Ghana Even though you are a gospel artiste did you explore politics too much in your lyrics?

Daniel Ayisi: No, since the politics in the latter part of this year is seasonal thus being elections. So I focused on national development which is bigger and has this ‘politics’ (elections) just a part of it so that when the ‘politics’ is over my music will still be relevant.

Ghana  Anything in particular in your life that’s been a specific inspiration to your gospel life?

Daniel Ayisi: My faith in God though not without some human errors and sins dealing with such daily in prayers not accepting them to be part of me.

Ghana Are there any styles you sing but you’d never try to record?

Daniel Ayisi: I recorded every style I fancy.

Ghana Has gospel music changed all that much over the years or is it just folks fussin’ over the same things?

Daniel Ayisi: It is just the same thing regrettably folks not learning from styles and presentations be it local on international that might hopefully catch on for them.

Ghana  In conclusion, what are you hoping that folks will come away with after listening your promotional song, “Oman Ghana” and other songs?

Daniel Ayisi: First of all to give them some patriotic message and to give a good blend of Ghana-south African presentation of rhythm for the listening pleasure of all.