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Music of Tuesday, 16 January 2007



The Talented Dada K. D.

To most people, born with a talent, making use of that talent is all one needs to be successful in whatever profession one finds himself.

However, one man who is with a different opinion is Dada Kwakye Duah (a.k.a. Dada K.D.), one musician knowned for his love songs.

To Dada K.D., talent forms only 15 per cent of being whatever one wants to be in life. The rest of the 75 per cent rest on one?s affiliation with the elderly, being down to earth (respectful) and living by nothing but the truth.

"It is when one attains the above mentioned qualities, that one easily makes it in life." These were the words of Dada K.D. when he spoke to the Spectator on Monday.

He got inclined into music when he was seven years old. By the time he attained 15 years, he had already started as a musical instrumentalist and played in the church in which he was a mentor at Kwadaso, Kumasi, where he was born and bred.

His love and interest for music made him join other colleagues of his during Christmas season to visit various homes playing their musical instruments and singing.

According to him, it was during Christmas performances that most of those who witnessed the shows discovered he had a good voice and could succeed as a musician.

"Most people praised me for the good voice but did not realise this talent in me until I completed Secondary School in 1992. What further made me not to realise my potentials as a musician at the time was because I was also very good in sports, as a sprinter and a footballer. Though academically I was not bad, I really wanted to be a footballer," he stated.

Friends and colleagues however encouraged me to go into singing because I was able to sing people?s songs perfectly.

"I most often sang wherever I found myself especially in the school, to the extent that I was sometimes considered a nuisance" he said.

After his secondary school education he decided to join a band, but all his effort failed, because he was considered too young.

Young Dada K.D. however did not give up until he later met one Michael Osei Agyemang, whom people claimed he resembled and therefore thought they were related.

Michael Osei came as a saviour and helped him to record his first album "Honey Love" at GEE MAN?s studio.

After releasing his second and third albums, Adi Nye Wop and Eden na megyee, Dada K.D. traveled abroad in 1998 when he realised the music industry in the country was not that rewarding. There was no help nor incentives for those in the industry.

His journey outside has help him, he has been able to record nine albums and currently has a total of eight albums to his credit. This includes his latest album titled "Somgye".

Other albums to his credit, apart from the first three and the latest are "Ebeboawo," "Obiara Se Eye", "Ode twe boom / ny goes boom boom," and mewura / Odom u anigyebi."

Asked how he comes by his songs, which are mostly love songs,Dada K.D. said "My relations with females, that is girlfriends helps me to get more ideas about their experiences in love matters and this helps me to write my love songs. Once I hear stories about ladies experiences and advice the elderly give, putting these into a song becomes simple. It naturally runs through me."

Recounting the musicians whose performances influenced his life in the field of music, Dada K.D. said Nana Adumako Nyamekye, a Ghanaian, and Michael Bolton an American artist had a great influence on his music.

"I have never had the chance to meet Nana Adumako Nyamekye for me to know him. He might even not be aware that his music has had an impact on me and thus moved me into the music industry," he said.

According to Dada K.D. he listens to every Ghanaian music and learns to sing them, though his style of music is all about love. I live on music both here at home and outside Ghana.

He was adjudged Best Male Vocal Artist (Ghana Music Awards) in Britain in 2004 by Ghanaians Resident in Britain.

He has played with bands like RELALTIVES in Germany, with Kojo Antwi?s Band, Tropical Vibes (Accra) and also with Amakye Dede?s Band.

In terms of performances at very special occasions, he quickly recounted Kojo Antwi?s 24th night show 2004 where he had the chance of shaking hands with President Kufuor. "It was like a dream to me, because I never thought I could ever have such an opportunity," he stressed.

Dada K.D. said "I look up to Kojo Antwi as my star of perfection, especially his peculiar way of dressing."

The love songs musician who is into creating, composing and writing of songs, hopes to release his ninth album titled "SKIN" by Easter this year. The album which like others talks about love, touches on how a human being?s physical structure is what really drives one into a relationship.

Before leaving The Spectator newsroom, Dada K.D. had these words for the young and coming musicians. "Highlife is still maintained in whatever music one tries to produce be it hiplife or what, one must try to learn how to sing. You can not make it in the music world if you do not know how to sing and want to depend on rap etc."

Touching on his personal life, Dada K.D. was born in over 30 years ago to Brefo Takyiakwa, a professional driver and Madam Abena Asubonteng, a chopbar operator at Ashanti Town, Kumasi.

Dada K.D. who is the third of the five children of his mother could not continue his education after secondary school level due to a separation between his father and mother in 1988. A situation he claims has greatly affected his progress in life. His siblings are traders in Kumasi.

People who knew Dada K.D. in his childhood days claim he was very stubborn, but respected the elderly. To these people who knew him very young it is not surprising he is doing well in the field of music today.

Such people claim he used to behave and dress, make-up and try to dance the way his sisters did at the time.

He also tried copying everything Michael Jackson did. The way he dressed, sang and danced.

Dada K.D. is currently based in Germany but comes home more often to promote his music.

He has two children a boy and girl with Cecilia Yaa Sarfoa, a Ghanaian woman also based in Germany.

The musician is a Presbyterian. He likes playing draught, enjoys drinking, clubbing and listening to music.

Fufu with smoked fish light soup is his favourite food.