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Music of Thursday, 18 December 2003



Who Killed Terry Bonchaka?

The Late Terry Bonchaka In many a traditional setting, death, especially to mortals perceived as ?larger than life? does not come ordinarily. Even when the cause of death is obvious people will still ascribe other reasons to the death. And so let it be with Terry Bonchaka!

Have you heard the wicked rumours circulating around town, that some musicians killed their colleague Terry Bonchaka? Why will any musician want to kill his fellow musician? It is only in Ghana that when a musician dies his death is said to have been caused by another musician.

When Obibini Takyi died a few years ago, some leading Ghanaian musicians were mentioned as having killed him. The same happened when Tommy Wiredu died even though evidence showed that the man hung himself.

Sometimes, it is not that somebody has been killed but the body has been exhumed as in the case of Santo which sent some journalists to his hometown to ascertain the truth which turned out to be untrue.

Currently circulating in town are rumours to the effect that the late Terry Bonchaka was killed by his fellow musicians because he was becoming too popular.

Some names have been mentioned, and the sad part is that some of the names being peddled are those who were very close to the late musician.

Is it because we do not still believe that our idol is gone that we ascribe these wicked twists to his death? This writer has deliberately refused to mention any names in order not to fuel the rumours.

Even a musician who was out of the country when the late Terry Bonchaka died has been touched. This is causing a lot of pain to those musicians who are bereaved just as the family of the late musician.

In the said rumours, it was mentioned that the driver Rasta a.k.a Emmanuel Yeboah who was the other occupant in the car when the fatal accident which claimed Terry?s life occurred, ?told? the police he was paid some money by some musicians to kill Terry.

And various interpretations and additions have been added even though the whole story is baseless and untrue.

In a chat with Mr Robert Adjetey, Terry?s father, he confirmed that some musicians who have been mentioned in the rumours have been to him to check their veracity but he has assured the musicians that they should not take them serious because they are untrue.

According to him, he had also heard of some names mentioned as having killed his son who are not musicians. This he said goes to show that some people just enjoy rumour mongering.

He explained that when a few days after his son?s burial he heard rumours that his body had been exhumed and the coffin and his dress stolen, they rushed to the cemetery only to realise it was untrue.

The Criminal Investigation Officer in charge of the case Inspector Botchway, was surprised when Showbiz asked if Rasta has told the police anything of the sort.

According to him, it is untrue that the Rasta has made statements like that to the police. While investigations continue he has not even been charged. A producer who wishes to remain anonymous says Terry Bonchaka was a hardworking, well focused, humble and a very religious young man and therefore should be allowed some peace in his grave.

?He was loved by all and there is no doubt that he returned this love?. Let us stop the rumours mongering and put our creative capabilities to full use, putting into practice the positive attributes that he exhibited while he lived. He added ?Please let Terry Rest in Peace!? he concluded.