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Business Features of Friday, 24 November 2023


Source: Sameera Sappor

Brands AI and ROI Guide: 2024 Hootsuite Social Trend Report

Image source: Adobe Firefly Image source: Adobe Firefly

Hootsuite introduces groundbreaking approaches for brands to project and define their identity through Artificial Intelligence, emphasizing the accelerated Return on Investment (ROI) in the realm of social trends in their 2024 report.

The social trend provides insights into consumer behavior and engagement, allowing brands to create personalized content and campaigns that resonate with their target audiences. It's a guide to help brands stay ahead of the competition and maximize their ROI.

In this rapidly changing world, artificial intelligence is a trend that is continually evolving. Although some people view it as a threat, it has also become a tool that helps brands work smarter and faster.

Out of 100 people surveyed, 66 agreed that it was challenging to determine if information produced by AI was real or fake, 22 neither agreed nor disagreed, while 12 totally disagreed. This is significant as it shows that AI-generated information needs to be carefully assessed before it is accepted as true.

Hootsuite Social Trend Report 2024

Additionally, people need to be aware of the potential risks of AI-generated information, such as fake news and misinformation. AI software should be used to aid in thought processes and ensure that humane representations remain. AI should be seen as a partner that can help humans work more efficiently, not as a replacement for them.

It should be used to help humans make better decisions, not to make decisions for them. AI should be used to create better outcomes, not to replace human judgment.

In general, brands tend to present themselves in a way that appeals to their audiences, especially when their tastes change from one period to the next. Brands that only display their services and market themselves do not appeal to the millennial generation or the future baby generation, causing companies to experience a decline in ROI.

Over the years, audiences have shown a preference for entertainment, and brands that blend marketing with entertainment while keeping the audience entertained have increased ROI. Brands that create an immersive experience through storytelling and engaging content are more likely to attract younger audiences.

Additionally, companies that prioritize customer service and personalization are more likely to build trust and loyalty with their customers and stand out in the industry. They should focus on creating positive customer experiences to remain competitive. This could include providing personalized experiences, offering helpful customer service, and creating engaging content.

It is possible to trace return on investment through social media, although it is untapped because analysts analyze social media to inform brands about people's preferences. Brands can use social media to track the impact of their campaigns and measure the success of their strategies. They also use social analytics to identify trends in customer behavior and preferences. This data can then be used to make informed decisions and adjust strategies accordingly. Social media data inform their marketing campaigns.

For example, they can target customers with relevant ads and create content that resonates with their audience. This data identifies potential new audiences and strategies to reach them more effectively. Altogether, social analytics can be a powerful tool for companies looking to gain a competitive edge