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Business News of Saturday, 5 July 2014



Fish shortage hits Central region

Fishermen and fishmongers in Elmina in the Central region are complaining of shortage of fishes in the sea.

According to them, fishing during the day has been very unproductive as they [fishermen] end up catching unwanted materials like rubbish.

Others also complained that due to the selfishness of some fishermen who use chemicals like DDT have contributed to the death of plenty fishes in the sea.

“Gradually there is no work to do here, we come and spend a whole night on the sea and at the end we get nothing to go home” the fishermen opined.

The situation, according to some fishmongers has deprived them of their business of buying and selling.

In an interview with Today, the queen fishmonger, Esi Atta said, people complained about the expensive nature of normal fish as compared to octopus which is less costly.

“A pan of fish is sold for twenty Ghana cedis” the queen indicated. The queen explained that, the fishermen first bring it to her and some leaders, and then they distribute them among themselves.

The distribution is done on elderly bases.

“We have leaders and older people on the sea and so we first give out to them before we concentrate on the younger people” the queen revealed.

To this end the fishermen and fishmongers called on government to come to their aid since they are in a great dilemma.