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Business News of Monday, 16 November 2015



Gov’t to wean off EPA from subventions

EPA logo EPA logo

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has declared its readiness to stop receiving government subventions from next year.

The EPA is one of six major state institutions that will be weaned off government subventions in 2016.

These institutions will have to mobilize their own revenue to support their operations. Government anticipates saving about GHC25 million from the move.

The Finance Minister, Seth Terkper who announced this during the presentation of the 2016 budget in parliament believes the move will significantly reduce the public wage bill.

In spite of the fact that the EPA regards the move as a challenge, the institution said it hopes to make the best out of the policy.

A Deputy director at the EPA Kyekyeku Oppong-Boadi told Starr News the organization has positioned itself well for the switch.