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Crime & Punishment of Thursday, 13 January 2022


Source: GNA

Court convicts three for stealing

The convicts pleaded guilty to the charges of conspiracy to commit a crime and stealing The convicts pleaded guilty to the charges of conspiracy to commit a crime and stealing

The Enki District Magistrate court has convicted three persons for stealing 130 pieces of iron rods valued at GH¢3,250.00.

Evans Coffie, 22, student, and Prince Awuah, 23, a steel bender were each fined GH¢600 or in default each would serve 12 months imprisonment with hard labour.

The two would also sign a bond to be of good behavior for 12 months or in default nine months imprisonment with hard labour.

The third convict, Benjamin Paa Kwasi Adjei, a labourer who deceived the court that he is a student was slapped with a fine of GH¢1,200.00. Adjei would serve nine months imprisonment with hard labour in default.

The convicts pleaded guilty to the charges of conspiracy to commit a crime and stealing.

Detective Inspector Joseph Kwadwo Agyare, prosecuting, told the court presided over by Mr. Eric Baah Boateng that the complainant, Mr. Eric Li is the administrative manager of Top International Engineering Company Limited based at Boinso in the Aowin Municipality.

According to him, the said company was in charge of the construction of the Enchi-Ellubo highway and the convicts together with Benjamin Yobo who is at large were causal workers of the firm.

The prosecution said on December 7, 2021, the day a security person left the company yard to take his COVID-19 vaccination jab, Coffie, Awuah, Adjei, and Yobo who were then on duty took advantage and stole 130 pieces of iron rods worth GH¢3,250.00 belonging to the company and hid same in a nearby bush.

The prosecutor told the court that same day while the complainant was patrolling in the company yard, he saw the iron rods hidden in a bush and ordered some workers to convey same into the firm's premises.

Inspector Agyare said the complainant became alarmed and decided to view the footage of the CCTV camera installed in the yard only to identify the four as those behind the theft

On December 20, 2021, Mr. Li reported the case at the Boinso Police station where the convicts were arrested but Yobo escaped and the three were later sent to the Enchi Police station.

Detective Agyare said during investigations Coffie, Awuah and Adjei confessed their involvement in the crime and claimed that it was out of financial constraints.