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Crime & Punishment of Monday, 29 January 2018


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Three illegal miners granted bail

The court granted them bail in the sum of 15,000 Ghana cedis eachThe court granted them bail in the sum of 15,000 Ghana cedis each

Three small scale mining labourers, have been arraigned before the Tarkwa circuit court for illegal mining.

The accused Baba Ayorka,22, Ansor Awaafo, 20 and Samuel Atemberi,18 , all pleaded not guilty to illegal mining and mining for gold without authority.

The court, presided over by Mr Emmanuel Bart-Plangent Brew, granted them bail in the sum of 15,000 Ghana cedis each, with a surety each, to re-appear on Tuesday February 6.

Presenting the facts of the case, Assistant Superintendent of Police (ASP) Juliana Essel-Dadzie, said the complainants were the Operation Vanguard Task Force team based at Tarkwa and Aboso in the Western Region.

She said on January 10 this year, the joint police and military team commanded by Sub-Lieutenant Osei set off from Tarkwa to Wassa Akropong on their usual anti-illegal small scale mining patrols.

ASP Essel-Dadzie said on reaching Wasa Domebra they saw the accused mining for gold without approved license.

She said the accused were arrested and handed over to the Wassa Akropong police to assist in investigations.

According to the Prosecution, one liugon excavator machine was retrieved and deposited at Wasa Amenfi East District Assembly yard.

ASP Essel-Dadzie told the court that the Police accompanied the operation vanguard task force with the suspects to the crime scene for inspection and after investigation they were charged with the offense.