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Diasporia News of Thursday, 9 February 2012


Source: Nana Yaw

3rd Party’s View: Nana Akuffo-Addo in Houston

By Nana Yaw, NPP Sympathizer and Town Hall Participant

First of all, I am not writing to pronounce judgment on the event held on February 4, 2012. I am only giving the readers different perspective of how the event unfolded for them to draw their own conclusion. If you pushed me against the wall to give my independent judgment on the articles and rejoinders written, I will condemn all. And here is why?

Whiles BB Nkrumah (original writer) accurately gave account of some incidents that happened, he failed to give credit to Nana Akuffo-Addo. For example, it is true that Nana was late, and no question about that. It is also true that a well built body man attempted to haul away a fan that “rudely” interrupted Nana’s speech with his Woyome song. And finally, Nana indeed answered BB’s questions by saying he was “disciplined.” All these are facts that I am sure the organizers will concur however these should not be over stretched. Readers will find BB’s article overboard if the writers of the rejoinder had given proper explanations rather than denying the facts. For instance, the organizers could have accepted blame for Nana’s lateness instead of attributing the lateness to the light rain we experienced. After all, evidently people gathered as early as 3pm as scheduled so there is no excuse that Nana couldn’t have been there; I believe Nana’s arrival was pushed further because there were only [about] 20 people around 3pm as the crowd started coming after 4pm. Similarly, NPP USA could have explained that the “body guard” only took precaution since the man was not authorized to interrupt, and besides he moved towards Nana’s podium. And finally, Nana’s response did not intend to cause harm. These reasons could have forced BB to retract, apologize, or even feel bad for his actions. Always, let us remember we use water to quench fire; we don’t quench fire with fire.

On BB’s conclusion that he agreed with those that say Nana is arrogant, I disagree with him. No doubt that you made this assertion because you were offended by some incidents but remember Nana is a leader of the largest political party hence his followers will hammer back. Besides, two wrong do not make a right so the fact that you created that impression that he was arrogant was uncalled. You deserved a private call from the NPP USA organizers to say something to you afterwards but whether they would have done so or not, you did not give them time to; your article literally came online less than 12hrs of the meeting. I have read your articles in the past and most recent one titled “NDC: Learn from your past” and “Dr. Rawlings, you reap what you sow” and I am convinced you have passion for NPP or at least you are NPP man, however, that doesn’t give you the authority to attack at your leisure. Please, establish a channel with the NPP USA executives and channel your grievances through them, so that together we can build a unified Party to rule.

In conclusion, there were errors made but the meeting was successful. Nana was well received in Houston despite the aforementioned lapses. Often people like Mr. Nkrumah tend to be an asset rather than a liability when they are absorbed and given the chance to express their frustration, disagreements, and views. After all, how many people could be bold to do what he has done? BB Nkrumah’s article could have been prevented, and there was no need to defend with insults. NPP USA could have responded to BB Nkrumah’s article with the good side of the events instead. At this point, I call the NPP USA Houston Chapter a loser just as I call Mr. Nkrumah a loser. We don’t want to talk about who won and who loss because that doesn’t build a nation. What builds a nation is unity and willingness to accept one’s weaknesses knowing that there is none perfect. I put this issue to rest, and I personally invite Mr. Nkrumah to our NPP USA Houston Chapter meeting. I will email him to let him know when we meet.

Long Live NPP!! Long Live Ghana!!