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Diasporia News of Saturday, 1 May 2010


Source: CBC

Calgary criminal deported to Ghana

A man with a history of criminal violence in Calgary has been deported, federal officials confirmed Friday.

Frank Fayke Dwomoh, 29, was removed from the country by the Canadian Border Services Agency (CBSA) on Wednesday, according to a release.

Dwomoh's most recent conviction was in 2005 for discharging a firearm. He finished serving a prison sentence in September 2009, but was then transferred into the custody of border services before his deporation this week to Ghana.

At his Immigration and Refugee Board detention review hearing in October 2009, a government lawyer said Dwomoh was put into segregation several times while in prison and pre-trial custody because of his violent behaviour and failed drug tests.

"We were able to keep him in detention on the grounds that he was a danger to the public until his deportation this week," said CBSA spokeswoman Lisa White.

Dwomoh had a previous deportation order against him but it was successfully appealed, she added.

"I welcome the news that the CBSA has successfully removed this violent criminal from Canada," said Minister of Public Safety Vic Toews. "Removing dangerous criminals from our country is integral to protecting Canadians and making our communities safe."