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Diasporia News of Tuesday, 24 December 2013


Source: Katakyie Kwame Opoku Agyemang,

Comment: Reject Atta Krufi as NPP-UK Chairman

In his recent text messages to potential voters in the NPP-UK, Mr. Hayford Atta Krufi appealed to members to retain him as the Branch Chairman. Having set the record as the only person to have been elected for two consecutive terms - (2005 - 2009) and (2009 - 2013) in the annals of NPP-UK elections, Mr. Krufi is doing everything possible to Chair the Branch for the third consecutive time. As to what is actually pushing him to embark on this unsuccessful trip, he is the best person to explain.

In fact, I have known Mr. Krufi since 2009 and I did campaign for him during the NPP-UK Branch elections that year. He is a fine gentleman who has played his part for the NPP-UK, especially in the area of communication. But, as former Prez Kufuor recently challenged the youth to be bold and demand accountability from their leaders, and also stand up for the truth, I feel obliged to kick against Mr. Krufi's third term bid as the NPP-UK Branch Chairman.

Personally, I think the move will neither help Mr. Krufi nor the party in our quest to recapture power in 2016. This is because Mr. Krufi's leadership for the past (8) eight years has failed to yield the desired results. As a Branch Chairman, his contribution to the NPP's defeats in both 2008 and 2012 general elections cannot be downplayed. If the lack of unity within the 15-member executive of NPP-UK is anything to go by, then I see no reason why Mr. Krufi cannot advise himself.

Seriously, I had a good laugh when I read an article written by Mr. Krufi accusing John Mahama of corruption. Has Atta Krufi removed the peck in his eyes before attempting to remove the logs on others? For me, Atta Krufi is culpable in the same offence as far as the finances of the NPP-UK Branch is concerned. There is no transparency when it comes to financial management of the Branch. For instance, as a signatory to the NPP-UK accounts, Mr. Krufi has always sidelined the second signatory, and teamed up with the third signatory making several withdrawals that cannot be accounted for.

Again, during the 2012 general elections, a whopping £50,000 was expended by the Branch. When probed further to explain how the money was spent, Mr. Krufi revealed that £20,000 was donated to the 2012 National Campaign Team in Accra. We are yet to be shown any receipt or acknowledgement letter by the National Secretariat.

Another serious action that has angered most members of the Branch is that, Mr. Krufi thought it wise to share £5,000 with his Executive during their trip to Ghana for the December elections without the approval of Branch members. He was only compelled to make this disclosure after members of the Branch had resolved to impeach him for the financial impropriety. Sensing danger, Mr. Krufi rendered an apology in June 2013 for spending money that did not belong to them. Could Hon. Ken Agyapong be right in calling some executive members as "thieves"?

Fellow Kukrudites, as I write today, the £100 compulsory contribution by members towards Election 2012 has not been accounted for. Besides, the £50 contribution by each member to assist the legal team in the 2012 Election Petition was not accounted for. In countries like France, Germany, US, Italy, Republic of Ireland, and Holland, some Chairpersons made several donations to the party hierarchy, including vehicles. What did Atta Krufi donate to the party headquarters as NPP Chairman? Nothing! It is against this background that the NPP-Nigeria is even more recognised at the party headquarters than NPP-UK. Is this not a disgrace to those Kukrudites living in United Kingdom? It is thus an open secret that the NPP-UK is more of a liability to the party headquarters, all because of Mr. Krufi's poor leadership.

Aside his poor financial management, Mr. Krufi also lacks the initiative and vision to make the NPP attractive to Ghanaians abroad. Like a parasite, he feeds on the achievements of the Communication Team and Nana Akufo-Addo Ladies Fan Club in London led by Abaawa. In fact, if there has been any major activity embarked upon by the NPP-UK, then credit must be given to the NPP Communications Team under Nana Yaw Sarpong. But here again Mr. Krufi has never acknowledged and appreciated the team's efforts. In the year 2011 for instance, Mr. Krufi, who always wants to be seen by party leaders as the architect of all good things in NPP-UK blocked the NPP Communications Team from being introduced to Nana Akufo-Addo at the Dominion Centre in London. This led to one month boycott of party activities by the Communications Team.

Notwithstanding the above, Mr. Krufi's posture during the party's monthly meetings leaves much to be desired. The man assumes the position of not only the Chairman, but also a porter and organiser at the same time. He determines who to speak at our meetings and hardly will he give the floor to anybody who is not in his good books. He unilaterally decides the agenda of our meetings because he has the support of about 8 'sycophants' in the executive who will side with him on any issue, if even Mr. Krufi is wrong.

It must also be pointed out that Mr. Atta Krufi lacks creativity, and sense of direction, and his hypocrisy has no bounds. He frowns upon self-initiative by party members, and he will be the first to "kill any seed planted by any member" as Bob Marley once said. Mr. Krufi does not want to see anybody rise to stardom, and always wants to take every credit for himself. For example, an invitation to him to inaugurate the Midlands Chapter of the NPP-UK in Birmingham was ignored, because he thought it would push Nana Otu Turkson to the political limelight. Due to Mr. Krufi's selfish interest, the NPP-UK recently endorsed Nana Akufo-Addo as the next flagbearer of the NPP for the 2016 polls. This was done at an emergency meeting in London. But, you and I know that Mr. Krufi is anti-Nana Addo, but seeing that Nana Addo is poised to lead the party for the third time, he has decided to tie his apron to that of Nana. Just last month, he introduced "No Nana, No Vote" in the body politic of NPP-UK. How could Atta Krufi help the party's cause, should a new Presidential Candidate emerge from the NPP in March? In fact, a rejoinder he posted in the media to discredit others rooting for Alan in 2016 actually deepened the level of Mr. Krufi's hypocrisy.

Interestingly, when Atta Mills was selected as the NDC Candidate for the 2008 elections, Mr. Atta Krufi described the man as greedy all because it was Mills' third term bid. So the question is; what adjective would Atta Krufi give to himself as he wants to rule for 12 solid years? Is one Atta better than another Atta? Again, what did Mr. Krufi forget to do in 8 (eight) solid years as Chairman that he wants to do for the next 4 (four) years? Is it to continue with the misappropriation of dues and levies or just to reduce the party's membership in the UK? Also, does Mr. Krufi want to be "life Chairman" because of the free return air-ticket (£1700) anytime he visits Ghana as well as his £500 monthly allowance paid him anytime he is in Ghana? Is he the only intelligent man in NPP-UK, and should he 'die' or resign from the NPP, are we saying that would be the end of NPP-UK? Why is Mr. Krufi so power-drunk? Does he want to be the Mugabe of NPP-UK?

Fellow Kukrudites, a couple of months ago, Atta Krufi's counterpart in the NDC, Mr. Horace Nii Ankrah called it quits as the NDC-UK Chairman. He did so at the background of retaining power for the NDC on his first attempt as the leader. This is a mark of a leader. Horrace behaved like Mandela of blessed memory, so why can't Mr. Krufi emulate this gesture, especially as his Chairmanship has not won the NPP power? There is an adage that says; "Nsuo ky3 toamu a eyi hwa", to wit, when water is left in the bottle for far too long, it gives a bad odour and I'm sure Atta-Krufi understands that. It is thus my expectation that Mr. Krufi would reconsider his decision without further delay. It is time for the NPP-UK Branch to consider a new crop of leaders to take the party to another positive level. For me, Mr. Krufi has outlived his usefulness as the Chairman and the earlier he was rejected at the polls, the better.

I'll therefore entreat members to guard against the Branch voters' register, which has been the secret behind Atta Krufi's past victories. It will be ideal for members to kick against the harsh rules he always introduces as requirement to disenfranchise majority of members. United Kingdom is not limited to London, so all Chapters in Birmingham, Manchester, Milton Keynes etc must be allowed to vote. My advice to potential voters is that, they must choose leaders who "eat and drink" honesty, hard work, transparency, team work, and selflessness; leaders who are resourceful enough to donate to the next NPP Campaign Team, but not siphon the little dues and donations made by philanthropists and party members into their 'dirty' pockets.

God bless Ghana! God bless the NPP-UK!! God bless Kufuor!!!

Katakyie Kwame Opoku Agyemang, Asante Bekwai-Asakyiri (Free SHS Ambassador) Official blog: ( [email protected] 0202471070 : 0264931361 : 0547851100