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Diasporia News of Monday, 31 March 2008


Source: t. e.

Feature: Fake Brothers

There seems to be a trend here. Ladies in parts I & II, I truly sympathize with you...I know the feeling. I am a Black woman living in the U.S. in May 2005, I met a charming Ghanaian man who I eventually found misrepresented himself. I lost my viginity to him 3 months later. I found out this man had a wife in Ghana...he has been with her for over ten years. I called the wife in Ghana and she confirmed. We continued to date...

This guy seemed to be very supportive and was there for me when I had family problems, he even allowed me to come and stay with him when my mom put me out of the house. I got my own apartment in September 2006, he helped me move into this apartment and even asked to live with me shortly after. I declined, not only because this was my first real dose of freedom and living alone, but I didn't want to drag the excitement out of the relationship by "playing house".

In February 2007, I found out this man was cheating on me with a Ghanaian American woman...we then broke up. However, we were still behaving in the same manner, except the monetary gifts slowed down (not that they were tremendous in the first place). The monetary gifts slowed down because not only did he have to pay the woman he was sleeping with for submitting a affidavit of support for his green card, but he married a Black American woman in April 2007 for a green card and/or citizenship. Meanwhile, the Ghanaian American woman whom agreed to sponsor him got pregnant and she recently had a child.

His purpose for all of this was to be able to incur student loans and complete his educational goals. I recently graduated with a bachelor's and he was unsupportive and even said to me "I make $60,000 and I don't even have a BSE", not realizing he works around the clock. I took the statement as a pock shot. Meanwhile, he told me he only had dealings with these women on a "business" level to get his goal accomplished...a few months later, I found out otherwise. We got into a very heated altercation, when I asked him did he love this Ghanaian American woman, he stated "I'm not going to answer that question". Normally, he'd state "I love my wife", meaning the wife in Ghana. This altercation resulted in a final break up . He is now and father to a little girl which he tried to hide until the final break up.

There is so much more to this story. He is being a coward and not owning up to his part in this mess. What is even more confusing is that he comes to America and haves a baby with a woman when he made his wife in Ghana have several abortions before their marriage. I think alot of Ghanaian men deep down inside are chauvinistic and don't value women. This man proved to be a big liar and a big fake...I will never date another foreigner!