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Diasporia News of Monday, 26 October 2015


Source: Adreba Kwaku Abrefa Damoa

Ghanaians in The UK Are Poised to Demonstrate ...

Demostration Demostration

....for Fresh Voters Register at No 10, Downing Street in London

Ghanaians in the United Kingdom have followed the on-going debate on the current voters register from both sides of the debating divide, whereby thousands of them have resolved themselves to rally for scrapping the existing register for a freshly compiled new voters register. Included in some of their reasons cited, that have swayed their attention to support a fresh register are as follows:

* The overwhelming evidence and exhibits supporting the call for a fresh register appear to be more compelling, more credible, and very reasonable.
* It is strange that the NDC and the government have been so robust in speaking for the EC, strongly opposing and defending the EC, whereas the issues are relating to a flawed and tainted voters register that must be answered by the EC. Instead of the EC directly responding, it has engaged itself in a cat and mouse game with a public demand.
* Answers and responses given in opposition by the government, and the NDC, in defence of the existing register, against calls for compiling a fresh register are as much devoid of sense as they lack reasonableness, and in much the same as they are very illogical, and not well calculated. They are rather full of speculative fantasy, very much whimsical, and based on dreamy, non factual juvenile analysis.
* If there were no substance in the argument for a change of the electoral roll, major civil society organisations wouldn't have been bothered in wading into the call for a fresh register. This suggests that the majority of Ghanaians, whom they lead, are calling for a fresh register
* A freshly compiled register that is transparent must be the determinant medium for all elections, whiles the existing register has overtly declared itself untrustworthy for the purpose of any further future elections.
* Evidence of cross border registrants from neighbouring countries makes it criminally treacherous, it is treasonous, and very suicidal for Ghana and Ghanaians, in much the same as it is in absolute breach of trust and subverts public confidence in the EC. The registering of non-Ghanaians by the EC is tantamount to engaging political mercenaries. They must therefore be excluded from Ghana's politics, our political decision making, and in determining Ghana's and Ghanaians' socio-political destiny.
* To kill doubt, a freshly compiled and transparent register will bring about results that will be satisfying to all Ghanaians, and to all political parties.
* Electoral disputes are potentially dangerous. Therefore, we must avoid any such occurrence, by fostering peace and quiet through our electoral exercises.
* The government forces' recent brutal attacks on demonstrators who were picketing in Accra for a fresh register of voters is enough significance of an incipient autocracy, leading to dictatorship.
* There is everything it takes to believe that the current voters register is incurably bloated, rather to the advantage of the government in power.
* The EC is supposed to be independent, and must be absolutely independent of government, and political parties' control.
* The Electoral Commission, as a public institutions, is enjoined to minister onto the people of Ghana, but not to lord over Ghanaians. The institution is therefore answerable to Ghanaians, and must listen to the views of the majority.

The demonstration is slated for 6th of November, 2015, at the Richmond Terrace, opposite No 10 Downing Street, SW1A, from 8am to 1pm. Its purpose is to invoke international attention and intervention to compel the EC to refrain from its apparent prejudiced and stubborn stance on the voters register. In regard to what is manifestly unfolding, the EC is controlled by the ruling NDC, and this must stop.

Copies of the demonstrators' petition will be delivered to the offices all the major international institutions, and organisations based in London.

For further information, contact any of the coordinating team members for the demonstration on:
0044 790 111 9669....Adreba