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Diasporia News of Tuesday, 26 January 2016


Source: Uhuru Times

Ghanaians should forgive, and forget about the Guantanamo Suspected Terrorists

Ghanaians should forgive, and forget about the Guantanamo Suspected Terrorists, since former President George W. Bush himself, was a "Democratic Terrorist", while in Office, Say's Kwame Mayor

By Tsi-Tsi Mashinini

Appealing to Ghanaians to (at long last !!!), forgive the released Guantanamo Prisoners, on Humanitarian grounds, (since it is too late to deport them, and Americans themselves have forgiven them, but want them to be in a neutral Country, due to the fact that they were not put on trial, as Democratic Principles demand) --- Ghanaian born Republican Presidential Candidate, and former Los Angeles Mayoral Candidate, "Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Mayor, say's former U.S. President George W. Bush was himself, a "Democratic Terrorist", and should have put the Ex-Guantanamo suspected Terrorists on Trial in Civilized United States --- the Leader of the Free World !!!.

Speaking this time in a typical American accent, Kwame Mayor, said "even Osama Bin Laden, that 'Son of a B' who was a Satanic Enemy of United States, but groomed by a (few) Alqueda Terrorists who have infiltrated into CIA, should have been put on trial, before (Osama) departed to Hell, where he belongs --- since United States is a Civilized Country, and the Leader of the Free World

" I am (absolutely right !!!) that if I were a Presidential Advisor, I would have given His Excellency, President John Mahama Excellent Policy Recommendations, since I am the one whose numerous published Strategic ideas have successfully been implemented by the White House, and by Governments in Ghana".

Kwame Mayor's published Policy Recommendations implemented by the White House, include the following :

" Moral Basis to oust Mu'ammer Gaddafi --- (in order to save lives !!!), and also, successfully advised the White House with the publication captioned "48 Hours Ultimatum to former Ivorian Dictator, Laurent Gbagbo, to relinquish Power, or face bombardment in his hideout ---> (Within 48 hours, White House gave "Green Light" to France, and U.N. to bombard the hide-out of the former Ivorian Dictator, Laurent Gbagbo)

" Criticisms helped United States to advance.
I will therefore, continue to criticise Constructively, and Intellectually, to help Ghana's advancement in Democracy", said the Fearless, and Moralist "People's Politician", who speaks the Truth, and nothing but the Truth

" I thank all members of NDC Southern California Chapter in USA, for advising me to cool down, since I am now NDC Communications Director.

" I wish NDC Southern California's Executives could accept my resignation as NDC Communications Director, (since whatever I write, and whatever I say, individuals will have their own understanding, and mis-understanding !!!), said Kwame Mayor in his Letter of Resignation to pursue his Freedom of Speech, and Freedom of Expression".

" Well, I will not criticise His Excellency, President John Mahama again, and also, I will not criticise former President John Agyekum Kufuor again, if that is some Ghanaians want".

" Furthermore, I have forgiven former Military Junta Leaders, Jerry John Rawlings, and Boakye Djan.

" However, I have the Moral right to condemn the atrocities of June 4th Terrorists' Revolution, (for the sake of "Never Again !!!").

" Fellow Ghanaians, if we can forgive Rawlings, and Boakye Djan, who executed their own Ghanaian /African Brothers, such as Okatakyie Akwasi Amankwaa Afrifa, Rear Admiral Joy Yao Amedume, Roger Felli, and Odartey Wellington, etc, etc, of Blessed Memory, why can't we forgive the Guantanamo Suspected Terrorists, who have been forgiven by United States --- (even though they were not put on trial), said the Ghanaian born "America's Mandela", a Civil Rights Legend in his own right, who speaks the Truth, and nothing but the Truth !!!

Email: [email protected]

--->>> Signed for release: ""Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Mayor

[Website]: WWW.Democracy.Com/KwameMayorforPresidentUSA