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Diasporia News of Monday, 13 October 2008


Source: npp-usa inc, media committee.

Message of Condolence from NPP-USA

Message of Condolence-Hon. Kwadwo Baah-Wiredu, Finance of Minister and Economic Planning!!!

Ghanaians both at home and abroad, are dealing with the sudden loss of the Finance Minister, the Honorable Kwadwo Baah-Wiredu. The late Finance Minister, was a great son of Ghana, and one of her esteem pillars.

Honorable Kwadwo Baah-Wiredu was not only a great family man, but also an extra-ordinary gentleman, astute public servant, and a consummate politician who did not allow partisan politics to cloud his better judgment.

The late Honorable Finance Minister demonstrated a steadfast desire to serve fellow mankind, and maintained keen interest in helping others to succeed as well. Mr. Baah-Wiredu was well known to be fair, and empathetic when dealing with both friends, and political foes alike. Indeed, the vast outpouring of sympathy from across the political divide, attest to the late Honorable Kwadwo Baah-Wiredu's unique personal character, and inner strengths.

Though, Honorable Kwadwo Baah-Wiredu's days on earth while short, his accomplishments were many. He was instrumental in securing the $700 million Eurobond for Ghana. He played a key role in acquiring the MIllennium Challenge Grant from the US government, as well as securing a multi-billion dollar debt forgiveness from our international donors, just to list a few.

Though words cannot adequately express our profound sense of loss, may we ALL take comfort in the knowledge that his work was neither in vain, nor soon forgotten. We salute him for work well done.

Now let it be the fervent prayer off ALL Ghanaians that, on the occasion of the passing of the Finance Minister, Honorable Baah-Wiredu, we will ALL work to promote PEACE among ALL Ghanaians.

Nante yie!!!