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Diasporia News of Saturday, 21 April 2012


Source: Mensah Dekportor (Hamburg)

NDC Germany Jabs Opposition NPP

Uncontrollable tension engulfed the studio of TopAfric Radio station (a local mega-Radio station in Hamburg) when two political activists from the ruling NDC and opposition NPP respectively engaged in a hot one-on-one political midweek radio talk show in Hamburg.

On the program were Chris Mensah who represents the NDC Germany while Kwame Acheampong, a vocal representative for New Patriotic Party.

In the cross-fire debate, the NPP spokesperson, Acheampong issued a provocative statement as why the NDC Government should be given the mandate for the second term and that corruption and malpractices have become the order of the day by which former president has even confirmed.

In a swift response, NDC Germany communication Team Chris Mensah backed by Kareem Abilla challenged and debunked Acheampong’s assertion and therefore outlined details of unprecedented achievements of the ruling party by which they (NDC) expected retaining of power come December 2012.

“NPP with all their bluff and Governmental machinery / logistics was whisked to opposition by the electorate in the last 2008 general elections and that Ghanaians as discerning and enlightened as they are; would not risk voting them to power”. The NDC Team admonished.

The NDC team however debunked outspoken NPP activist Acheampong’s assertion that the ruling NDC Government has been infested with corruption and malpractices. “The picture they (NPP) viewed afar could be a reflection of what (debt) they left behind. Their cheap propaganda apparatus has no grounds and meaning”. Chris and Karim furiously stated.

They however detailed series of unprecedented achievements by which the discerning electorate might judge to retain President Mills to power come December 7 General Elections.

• GDP growth rate of 13.6% (highest in Ghana's entire history)

• Longest sustained single digit inflation (more than 20 months and now at 8.6%)

• Highest ever Gross International Reserves and Foreign Direct Investment

• 1 million metric tonnes of cocoa production

• 2 new public universities being established at the same time in the Volta and the Brong Ahafo Regions

• $3 billion dollar CDB loan: biggest ever loan to Ghana and any African country from China. This is a loud attestation of the level of confidence in the Ghanaian economy

• Over 60,000 computers and laptops distributed freely

• 2 new public universities being established at the same time in the Volta and the Brong Ahafo Regions

• Electricity Expansion: From 54% nationwide coverage to 72% nationwide coverage under 3 years. (Represents 18% addition in 3 years compared with NPP's 11% in 8 years). 1,700 Communities have therefore been connected to the national grid

• Free uniforms, Free exercise books, 50% increase in capitation grant, Elimination of Schools under trees and the Mathematics, Science and Technology Scholarship Scheme (MASTESS) had been introduced .

• Wage Bill more than doubles under 3 years (From about 2 billion Cedis to over 5 billion Cedis) President Mills has therefore put more money in the pocket of Ghanaian workers who are better off today than they were.

• Industry receiving phenomenal boost: - Resuscitated the former Akwatia Diamonds which had collapsed. Now the Ghana Consolidated Diamonds Company Ltd.

• Aviation industry booming with over 20 international and domestic flights introduced coupled with expansion projects at the Kotoka Airport and similar plans for domestic airports

Upgrading of the Tamale Regional Hospital which is helping improve health delivery in the Northern Sector and ensure that UDS Medical Students go through their education without truncations and relocations to KATH or KBTH as used to happen in the past. This is in addition to several polyclinics which have been constructed in all three Northern Regions.

Report by: Mensah Dekportor (Hamburg)

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