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Diasporia News of Monday, 14 April 2014



NPP-Japan Congratulates New NPP National Officers

On behalf of the executive committee and the members of NPP JAPAN BRANCH, We congratulate the five thousands two hundred NPP DELEGATES who enthusiastically participated in our historic delegates conference, which ushered in a new crop of officers to take the helm of our great party. The election of these new officers represents another important milestone in NPP's desire to take power from NDC and take charge of the management of Ghana.

We commend the elected national officers, security forces, and election officials from the EC on a good job done - which is in keeping with the spirited and positive debate among candidates and their supporters in the run-up to the conference.

We are sure the new elected national officers, under the leadership of Chairman Paul Afoko and General Secretary Kwabena Agyapong, will lead NPP in an independent and fearless way. Their stewardship will reflect the principles of fairness and reform that are the hallmark of NPP. Our new leaders will undoubtedly face many challenges, but their ability to make decisions based on a total landscape (i.e. collective decision-making) and to push past special and singular interest will be a of collective benefit to us all.

We also congratulate other candidates who were not elected, for their love and desire to serve the party and we hope the elected officers would embrace them to work together for a common goal of wrestling power from the incompetent NDC government come 2016.


Dr. Samuel Amponsah

General Secretary, NPP JAPAN

Mr. Benard Oppong-Kusi

Chairman, NPP JAPAN