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Diasporia News of Monday, 30 January 2012


Source: NPP Republic of Ireland

NPP Republic of Ireland Granted Branch Status

The Executive Committee of the New Patriotic Party Republic of Ireland formally
brings to your attention that we have been accorded a Branch Status
and therefore independent of the United Kingdom Branch.

Consequently, we seize this opportunity to sincerely thank the dedicated Executives
of the Grand Old Party/National Executive Committee in Accra for the honour done
us. We also wish to extend our utmost appreciation to all those who were involved in
the transitional process; especially, the Executives of the External Branches,
advisers and indeed, all members of our Great Party for their invaluable
contribution to this milestone.
In announcing this, we are fully aware of the enormity of the task that has been
placed on shoulders. Nevertheless, with your usual support, advice and prayers; and
also with God on our side, together, we shall dutifully help bring our Great Party
to power this year. We once again wish to thank you all immeasurably, even as we
embark on this difficult but noble journey.

To borrow from Winston Churchill, "This is our finest Hour''. Thank you very much
and God bless you.
The Executive Committee
NPP Republic of Ireland Branch