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Diasporia News of Sunday, 18 January 2015


Source: NPP UK Branch

NPP UK Rejects Asiedu Nketia’s Futile Attempt At Equalisation

In The Nayele Cocaine Saga

It has come to the notice of the executive body of NPP UK, of a press conference held on Wednesday 14th January 2015 which was addressed by Asiedu Nketia, General Secretary of the ruling National Democratic Congress [NDC] concerning the incarceration of a Ghanaian by name Nayele Ametefe, alias many other names, who was busted by UK Border Agency officials at Heathrow Airport for attempting to smuggle into the UK a class A drug (cocaine). Nayele pleaded guilty at the Isleworth Crown Court, and was sentenced on 6th January 2015. to 8yrs and 8months imprisonment in the UK.

The Press Conference by the NDC General Secretary was aimed at drawing the New Patriotic Party [NPP] into the NDC government’s complicity and negligence at Ghana’s only international point of exit and entry by air, Kotoka International Airport [KIA], in facilitating the 32years old socialite Nayele, to smuggle cocaine out of Ghana to the UK. NPP UK Branch and executives deem it ridiculous and regrettable, that Asiedu Nketia, subsequent to the speedy conviction of Nayele here in London, would attempt to twist the facts in a bid to deflect due attention from the complicity of highly placed NDC government officials who facilitated the convicted smuggler’s safe and privileged passage from Ghana, via the premises of the VVIP lounge at the KIA.. Gen Mosquito epitomizes the saying that ‘a drowning man would grasp at straws’, or as the English would put it, ‘any excuse will do’.

Now to the facts and puzzles of the case:

(1) John Scooby, the lawyer for Nayele Ametefe, stated in open court to the hearing of all, that Nayale, after her marriage broke down, came into contact with highly placed persons in influential positions. That, she has remained connected to high government officials – the present NDC regime, hence her special travel arrangements to aid her smuggling activity.
(2) The cocaine was given to her by a business woman in Ghana who paid her $23,000 and £6000 pounds, which monies the court has confiscated and set for a separate trial on 6th July 2015 to determine matters relating thereto.
(3) Why was the Ghana High Commission in the UK particularly interested in Nayele's case and not in that of another Ghanaian by name Eric Owusu, who was also standing trial in the same court? Indeed, the GHC in the UK never gets involved in individual cases of a criminal nature that do not border on State security. So was Nayele’s crime so important to the State as to merit the special diplomatic attention she got from appointees and agents of the NDC government? Indeed, it is undisputed that Nayele not only used the VVIP lounge at KIA, but had a chauffeur driven courier deliver her ‘special parcel’ to the steps of the airplane she had boarded. It is also alleged that a GHC official limousine was driven onto the tarmac at the Heathrow Airport, to await her arrival. Added to all this was the unusual personal interest also of the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Hanna Tetteh, who traveled over to London to meet with the criminal Nayele in her jail. How about the issue of how she came about possessing a Ghanaian Diplomatic passport? Why on earth so, one may ask!?
With all these and several unanswered questions, it is rather infantile at best, or an exercise in futility for the NDC government, via it’s General Secretary, Asiedu Nketia, alias Gen. Mosquito, to undertake these sort of immature propaganda press conferences in a vain attempt to deflect attention from their complicity in the narcotic trade.
In the same interview, Asiedu Nketia also talked of the Eric Amoateng case, dating from the president Kufuor era. A clear case of comparing chalk with cheese! How does his talk of Amoateng’s case help resolve the Nayele cocaine case, and the NDC government’s complicity in its execution? Laughable! Gen. Mosquito’s attempt at equalization is futile and without merit. Two wrongs do not make a right. Amoateng served his time, and no one is holding brief for his offence. However, there was no NPP government facilitation or intervention in Amoateng’s individual criminal act, quite unlike the VVIP treatment Nayele has received from the NDC government in the perpetuation of the criminal offence of exporting 12.5 kg of cocaine, an internationally graded class A narcotic drug.
Even more desperate is Asiedu Nketia’s reference to a highly successful event organized by NPP UK Branch on Friday 14th November 2014, and graced by Dr Bawumia, the NPP’s Presidential Running Mate to Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo Addo. Gen. Mosquito vainly attempts to tie in Nayele’s arrest by the British Border Control on Mon 10th November 2014, with this totally unrelated event, which had been long in planning! What his infantile attempt grossly exposes is his inability to fore see that it was a tenuous link that wouldn’t stand the slightest scrutiny. Why, because of the aforementioned facts of privileged facilitation for Nayele’s narcotic smuggling that only a ruling government and its officials can authorize! For instance, it has been confirmed that Nayele dates two top NDC gurus as well as one Alhaji Dawood, who campaigned vigorously for President John Mahama in the 2012 elections. Alhaji Dawoo is reported to have confirmed that he used his connections in government to facilitate the VVIP treatment for his ‘friend’ Nayele. Where then is the link between Nayele and NPP, much less NPP UK Branch, that Gen. Mosquito is trying to establish!? Pathetic, to say the least!
NPP UK Branch hereby call upon the good people of Ghana to disregard Asiedu Nketia’s famed gutter politics that is characterized by fantasies and calculated lies to help the NDC propaganda machinery. This Nayele case has an international dimension and interest. Ghana is a respected player in the international comity of nations, and we can least tolerate such amateurish persons like Asiedu Nketia, holding national positions and blighting the nation’s reputation abroad with his falsehoods, at press conferences like this. The Nayele cocaine case is a crown the NDC must wear, and in fact provide answers to. They cannot share their disgrace with the NPP, try as they may!

NPP UK Branch also calls upon the Ghanaian electorate to decisively drop the NDC in 2016 to rid the nation of such amateurish performers.
Issued by the Executive of NPP UK Branch Via the Office of the Branch Communications Friday 16th January 2015