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Diasporia News of Friday, 12 October 2012


Source: david .m. clark and co solicitors.

Open Letter To Set The Records Straight


I have being mandated by my client Apostle George Odum to set the records straight on a false article published by Rockson Adofo on 7th October 2012. In the said article, Rockson Adofo reported that DJ Sources of Sources Radio UK narrowly escaped death on Friday 5th October 2012 and went further to state on authority that my client masterminded the plan to kill or rob DJ Sources. These claims are untrue and unfounded and tantamount to defamatory to the highest degree, as our client is highly respected Minister of the Gospel and did not do any such thing.

Moreover, our client has confirmed to me that at no time did he sent DJ Sources text messages warning him of imminent attack by contract killers and advising him to watch over his shoulders for possible enemy attack. I have contacted the police to find out if any report has been made in relation to a purported attack on DJ Sources on Friday 5th October 2012 and have being informed by the police of no such report. I have also interviewed a flat mate of DJ Sources and he denies any knowledge of intruders coming into their flat.

It is never true that our client went bankrupt and DJ Sources secured him a loan of £1000 as alleged by DJ Sources and Rockson Adofo. Our client only invited DJ Sources to come and manage his online radio station out of sympathy after DJ Sources had being sacked by another radio station in London. Our client left the online radio station in the care of DJ Sources for about three months and never got a penny from it whilst pastors and shop owners were paying DJ Sources to preach and advertise with the station. DJ Sources was sacked by our client because of his bad behaviour and mismanagement.

Our client was approached by DJ Sources and his friend who had moved to the UK from Ghana to start a radio station together late last year to help them set up their station. And our client did everything humanly possible to help them set up their station. DJ Sources violated the agreement made with our client and also cancelled the partnership agreement made with his friend who came from Ghana. His friend who came from Ghana parted ways with DJ Sources after he was cheated by him. Our client mainly helped them because of DJ Sources’s friend as he did not trust DJ Sources because of his past behaviour and time has proved him right.

Our client did not block DJ Sources access to his computers as alleged by Rockson Adofo. When DJ Sources could not access his computers, he blamed it on our client and his friend who came from Ghana. His friend who came from Ghana confirmed to all present that he remotely logged into his computers to deny him access when a meeting was organized to resolve this issue. There was a rumour making rounds that DJ Sources made his other friend to switch off the machine that his friend and our client were using to run their online radio station. And this made his friend upset and thereby blocking DJ Sources access to his own computers remotely.

We have been informed by our client that DJ Sources told Rockson Adofo to publish all these lies to try and tarnish his hard earned reputation and our investigation team have being trying to reach Rockson Adofo to no avail but have being told by a source close to DJ Sources that he has gone into hiding. Our investigation team have been reliably informed by persons in the Ghanaian community in London that it is the trade mark of Rockson Adofo to publish false and unfounded articles. His unprofessionalism knows no bounds as he has on numerous occasions publish false and unreliable articles in the past. Our investigation team have confirmed to us that the article written by Rockson Adofo are all lies and propaganda aimed at tarnishing the image of our client. He must therefore, remember the Biblical injunction that “Touch not my Anointed and do my prophet no harm” Psalm 105:15. Our client has advise us to hold on for a week before proceeding to court as he is willing to drop any court action if DJ Sources and Rockson Adofo apologies to him and the church as they have brought their name to disrepute. This wicked plot by Rockson Adofo and DJ Sources was hatch to discredit and malign our client and to subject him to public ridicule. Watch out for part two of this nightmare.

David .M. Clark and Co Solicitors.