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Diasporia News of Monday, 24 June 2013


Source: Kwaku Anane-Gyinde

Press Statement: ACGIE Commends Martin Amidu

The Association of Concerned Ghanaians in Europe (ACGIE) commends Martin Amidu, former Attorney General and Minister for Justice for single-handedly and successfully fighting and procuring Supreme Court rulings against two foreign companies who were paid fraudulent judgment debts.
ACGIE is inspired and encouraged by this act of bravery and patriotism demonstrated by the former Attorney General in the face of threats from his own party and an orchestrated media campaign by sections of the rented press. Notwithstanding the vicious and malicious attempts to intimidate and vilify him, Mr. Martin Amidu stood his grounds and persisted in his determination to ensure that justice is done.
We are convinced that the former Attorney General’s selfless dedication to the cause of Ghana will inspire a generation of Ghanaians especially at a time when majority of the citizenry seem to have lost confidence in politics and politicians. Indeed, there is no doubt that politics in Ghana has become an opportunity for unscrupulous politicians to loot from the national coffers rather than a privilege to serve the nation. While other politicians are prepared and willing to barter their conscience for financial gains, Honorable Martin Amidu chose to put the national interest beyond and above personal gains and we salute him for sticking to and believing in the rightness of his convictions.
Clearly, the history of the judgment debt saga will be incomplete without acknowledging the role played by the Member of Parliament for Assin Central, Honorable Kennedy Adjepong through whose vigilance the issue was put into the public domain and became a topic for national discourse.
It should be pointed out that the efforts of Mr. Martin Amidu will not mean much if government fails to ensure the immediate, full and complete enforcement of the ruling so as to retrieve all the monies that were paid under questionable circumstances. ACGIE cannot envisage how this can be done when the Attorney General (current) who has the legal mandate to retrieve the monies on behalf of Ghana has herself been an active participant in the scam. Clearly, her position has been compromised and the most honorable thing to do, if she has any conscience is to resign immediately or be forced to do so by the NDC government.
We further demand the immediate arrest and possible prosecution of all public officials including the former Attorney General Mrs. Betty Mould-Iddrisu and her Deputy Mr. Ebow Barton Oduro (now First Deputy Speaker of Parliament) whose acts and omissions made it possible for this gargantuan fraud to be perpetrated against the people of Ghana. As indicated by the Supreme Court these unpatriotic Ghanaians have colluded and collaborated with foreigners to loot and share Ghana’s resources among themselves and should be held accountable for their misdeeds.
Finally ACGIE calls on the Mahama- Amissah-Arthur administration to demonstrate leadership and the commitment to fighting corruption through concrete measures and practical steps such as the immediate dismissal of the Attorney General,Mrs Mariette-Brew Appiah-Oppong and the arrest of Mrs. Betty Mould-Iddrisu, Mr. Ebow Barton Oduro and Mr. Solomon Neequay-Tetteh- Acting Solicitor General. The NDC government must be reminded that this is a national crusade against graft and corruption and Ghanaians deserve and demand that government lives up to its responsibility of protecting the national interests instead of political cronies
God Bless Our Homeland Ghana
Kwaku Anane-Gyinde
Association of Concerned Ghanaians in Europe
Tel. 00 49 152 134 818 59