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Diasporia News of Monday, 7 January 2013


Source: husseini y. baba alwaiz,

Re: NPP USA: The Supreme Court Has Moral Responsibility to Save Ghana

One would wonder why the NPP members and supporters will still remain in their wishful thinking that, the Supreme Court could rule in their favor with the fragile and flimsy evidence of fraud or rigging, to the extent that, our counterpart, the NPP USA Communications/Public Relations Team, (while refusing or fearing to write the “by-line”, which we know is written by their director of the team, Amponsah Spanash, because we know his usual ballistic and bombastic writing style-replete with vilifications and character assassination) do not hesitate to come out with a piece entitled, “The Supreme Court Has Moral Right To Save Ghana”.

It is only people with a myopic and narrow perspective that think, is only if the Supreme Court voids the elections, or declares Nana Akufo Addo the winner of the elections, that will make them “savers of Ghana”(from war or what?). How could people become so desperate and aggressive for power that, they fail to have common sense of critically analyzing issues through the lens of objectivity, as they still want people to unconvincingly believe that the elections were rigged?
It is a very interesting irony that, the same donor agencies and the international community that the NPP is urging not to recognize the president and regard him as illegitimate, are the very people sending their various representatives to the country. Report in the media has it that, 13 African heads of States and presidents and two vice-presidents, representatives from some Asian, European, Caribbean and American governments, as well as donor agencies and United Nations representatives have all expressed their willingness to come and grace the historic occasion. This shows how credible and authentic this election was, coupled with the terrific charisma and crowd pulling effect associated with our current president.
Their desperation makes them behave like lunatics, who do not see the wisdom behind former president Kufour attending the inauguration ceremony, losing sight of the fact that, he is now above partisan politics, as a former president and statesman. They even threatened to forcefully prevent him from going, by deflating his truck tires. And they vowed to throw shoes at him when he goes to Kumasi, where he was born and bred. What a gross disrespect and disrepute to their own founding member and former president of Ghana! This is a manifestation of our saying that, the NPP supporters are devoid of common sense, making them idiots, stupid, rowdy, arrogant and aggressive. And no wonder they exhibited a ‘piece of the pie’ of this negative sense of demeanor and mannerism to him.
And thanks to their stupidity, we the Communications team of the NDC, both home and abroad would reserve these chaotic incidents in our campaign archives, in order to make a huge political capital out of them come 2016, and I strongly believe that, with this disorderly conducts, that characterized the behavior of their supporters, their chances of winning an election in Ghana will be very slim.
Their intention to boycott the swearing-in ceremony would not make any negative impact on the event. This is hypocritical on their part, because we know very well that, Nana Addo and all of them will definitely watch the event live at their homes, while biting their fingers, soliloquizing in their minds: “We wish we had truly won, look how sweet and awesome the president looks”. Or Nana Addo may on Monday morning, out of envy and jealously of losing, decide to drink ‘sleeping tablet’ to while away those ceremonial hours in a long nap, and it will be over by the time he wakes up.
The proposal to always boycott the house when the president places a bill for parliamentary consideration will go a long way to have a negative ramification on their future electoral fortunes. Because Ghanaians would clearly see how unpatriotic they are, by defying national interest at the expense of their party’s political expediency, while they would be continuously collecting salaries, generated from our tax payers sweat and toil.
Since Nana Addo himself, shamelessly vowed to lead their legal team,(thinking appearing personally to pray to the judges will garner him some ‘sympathy’ support from the bench), he should brave himself to be challenged and defeated by Mr. Tsatsu Tsikata, one of the best legal experts in Ghana, leading the NDC’s legal team. He will knock him down and ‘bloody his noose’ as he did to him when he was the Attorney General during Kufour’s administration, challenging him in a litigation regarding the constitutionality or otherwise of fast track court. This defeat made lot of concerned Ghanaians to urge the president to replace him. So the then “gentle giant” president reshuffled him to handle the Ministry of Foreign Affairs & Regional Integration.
Regarding former president Rawlings’ statement in reference to their rigging allegation, he made the pronouncement in his capacity as former president and statesman. That does not mean that, he questions the validity of the election results. After all, he predicted on several occasions that president Mahama will win this election. Else he would not have congratulated him, and he even went the extra mile to pray for him at the anniversary event of the 31th December revolution recently.
One also needs to remember that, the NPP never intended to take their grievances to court initially. It was rather the EC, which urged them to do so. And nobody would take Nana Konadu’s description of the elections result as “419” any serious, because she knows long before the elections that, Nana Addo would lose, that was why she never endorsed him, and when he lied at his final rally in Accra of giving him her unflinching support, she instantly and instantaneously denied endorsing him. This was the subject of my article that appeared on this web and other media net-works, two days to the elections, and lo and behold, we all have been vindicated.
The unprecedented international attention and attraction the coronation ceremony, slated for Monday, the 7th of January, 2012 is having from virtually five global continents, would further weaken the chance of success of the NPP at the court. Because, to buttress what my senior member of the “inky fraternity” , the seasoned Ghanaian journalist, Mr. Kwesi Pratt said recently, none of the Judges at the Supreme Court, seating on this case would have the audacity and temerity to declare the election results, (due to which all these international diplomats from all walks of life would come into the country) null and void, base on the conjured and concocted evidence they are going to present at the court.
Even the title of this article (just like the one written by the NPP UK Communications team, last week, which I rebutted) presupposes that, should they lose the court case, (in spite of the fact that, their evidence does not hold water) Ghana could not be safe from their evil intentions of throwing the country into chaotic bleeding and burning situation. And we of the NDC communications team would want to alert the security apparatus to beware of this devilish plan. And we know that the government would deal ruthlessly with any of them wanting to plunge the nation into disarray, (due to the likely event of them losing the court case) by moving them from their ‘palaces’ to prisons.
Instead of wasting their time on the already lost battle ( thanks to the trashing Mr. Tsatsu Tsikata & Nana Ato Dadzie are waiting to give Nana Addo and their ‘legal luminaries’), at the court, they have to find ways and means of saving and salvaging the sinking image and lack of national appeal of the party,(refer to the various problems enumerated in the rejoinder I wrote against the NPP UK Communications team article, still on Ghanaweb’s Diaspora section) and failure to solve these problems, will result in zero chances for the NPP to win any presidential election in Ghana forever and ever.

Husseini Y. Baba AlWaiz, Member of the Communications Team, NDC USA