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Diasporia News of Monday, 12 March 2012


Source: Ghanaian News Canada

Speech by La-Kumi @ Ghana's Independence Celebration in Toronto

Speech by Dr. Martin La-Kumi, Community Leader and

Dentist @ Ghana’s Independence Celebration in Toronto


Honorable Consul General, Pastors, Church leaders, and their congregations, Nanamon, ladies and gentlemen.

55 years ago - Ghana’s battle for independence from colonial rule ended and the country became free forever.

55 years ago - A new African was born into the world ready to fight his own battles and manage his own affairs.

55 years ago - the proclamation was made that the independence of Ghana was meaningless unless it was linked to the total liberation of the African continent.

-Ghana’s independence was achieved under the able leadership of the late Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah on March 6th 1957. He was therefore the first President of the Republic of Ghana.

- We have come a long way post-indepenence since 1957 under successive leaders and administration with the hope of attaining better lives for all Ghanaians.

- The era of the 70s and 80s saw the mass exodus in a gargantuan proportion of Ghanaians to various countries such as Canada in the diaspora where they adopted those countries as their temporal or permanent place of abode.

From those first generational Ghanaians, we now have 2nd and 3rd generations who were born at their new place of abode. We therefore have to inculcate into our diasporan youths a sense of belonging to Ghana by developing the necessary attachments to the motherland so as to maintain our culture and flourish it for all future generations to come.

As residents of Canada, we have to be part of the Canadian mosaic by involving ourselves in the socio- political administration of this country. .. The time has come to see Ghanaian-Canadian City councilors , members of Provincial parliament, as well as members of the Federal Parliament.

As residents of Canada, we have acquired skills and knowledge in this country. We therefore need to put them to good use to better our lives here and in the motherland as well.

We need to stay focus and support our indigenous based Ghanaian- Canadian businesses and enterprises to succeed in our environments so that they can in-turn support our community activities. As such, any capital generated by us, stays and circulates within the confines of the community. There are over 100,000 Ghanaians in this country and we need to be recognized from coast to coast as a formidable community in Canada.

We cant just be only voters during elections and tax-payers when we purchase goods and services and allow our tax dollars be used to support other non- Ghanaian communities. We should also enjoy some of the National Canadian Pie in that some of our paid –up taxes should be reinvested into our community so that we can have something to show for.

Diasporan – Ghanaians have an umbilical cord that connects us to the homeland. As such, we should show profound interest in thesocio-political

development and progress of the country. We must make use of all the knowledge and skills we have acquired in the Diaspora, to be transfered to the motherland to help in its development.

Ghanaian professionals in the diaspora who have acquired skills and knowledge in medicine, law, engineering and consulting are encouraged to organize themselves to volunteer their services to various institutions in Ghana. This will show love, concern and duty to country.

Also in order to elevate the healthcare status of the country, the need to acquire medical equipment from hospitals in the diaspora to be given to health centers in Ghana is very essential. This can be done by bodies such as cultural organizations who can obtain these hospital items to equip the various hospitals in their traditional areas.

Over the years some Ghanaian businessmen in the diaspora have set up businesses in Ghana, however we are encouraging those who have had businesses and business experiences to form partnerships with their diasporan counterparts to continue to do more for Ghana in terms of formulating ways and means to create new businesses in Ghana to benefit the teeming unemployed especially the youths in Ghana.

When it comes to establishing business in Ghana, the Government of Ghana should establish the proper infrastructure to make it possible to attract and create new businesses.

Some of these are good passable roads, continuous running water and electricity, efficient communication system, and schools for training manpower. The need to emphasize more upon science and technology especially in our secondary and tertiary institutions in Ghana to meet our technological needs is very important.

There should be an enabling environment in which there are adequate policies and laws to enhance the smooth operation of businesses. Such policies governing the banking system, the licensing and registration of business, the proper working order at the ports and harbours, efficiency of our court systems to adjudicate issues such as land- tenure disputes, will alleviate some of the frustrations of would be investors.

Lastly I am inviting all of you especially people of African descent in the diaspora to visit Ghana , the Land of Gold and the Gateway to West Africa.

The country is peaceful, democratically stable, the people are friendly and very hospitable. We have nice hotels and beaches with so many natural and cultural attractions. Our food is delicious and A big AKWAABA awaits you upon arrival.

Therefore come on and visit with us, you will never regret it.

Thank you very much for listening.