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Diasporia News of Thursday, 1 March 2018


Source: Afrikan Post

Tina Abrefa-Gyan outlines her vision for NPP-USA

Tina Abrefa  Gyan Tina Abrefa Gyan

Tina Abrefa Gyan, an aspirant for the first vice chairperson position of the United States of America branch of the New Patriotic Party has outlined her vision for the party.

Tina who is known for her loyalty and unflinching support to the NPP has announced the plans she has for the party should he be given the nod to become the party's first vice chairperson.

Below the Tina Abrefa Gyan's vision

Dear NPP-USA family,

I am an active member of NPP-USA both at the local and national levels. I hold my local membership in the Washington DC chapter where I serve as the Vice Chair (Ag) and as the Deputy Secretary at the NPP-USA national level. At both levels, my contributions are an eloquent testimony of how active I have been in the party.

At home, in Ghana, I am known by the current party leadership as hardworking and a faithful servant of our dear party and motherland. The least I can say is that, I am very passionate about the NPP. My wish has always been to serve the organization with verve and panache.

I am now aspiring for the position of First Vice Chairperson of NPP-USA. I will be assisting the national chairperson to execute her/his mandate and vision for NPP-USA, represent NPP-USA at home and abroad, chair meetings in the absence of the substantive chairperson and serve in any capacity as may be assigned by the Chairperson. Of paramount importance to me is to ensure that your membership in the NPP-USA becomes beneficial to you and your family, either directly or indirectly. We need strong leadership in the NPP-USA who can think innovatively, are charismatic, have the capacity to command the respect and/audience of policy makers, and implement a strategic agenda that will benefit all members of the NPP-USA.

As your First Vice Chairperson, I will share my vision with the other executives. One of these is to help to enroll as many party sympathizers from all walks of life into our fold. What I have realized is that most silent party sympathizers are not card-bearing. With the support of the chairperson and the executives, I will work to get all these people on board. The benefit of this will be tremendous as we can tap into their human and material resources to help advance the vision of NPP-USA and the NPP in general.

I would also champion the cause of opening more chapters in as many states as possible. This will be possible when the USA is zoned. I will help the chairperson to create zones and appoint leaders to man these zones. The zones will advise on where and when to open new chapters. Having successfully assisted with the opening of the Baltimore, MD chapter and currently working on constituting a second chapter at Hampton Roads, VA, I have garnered much experience that will enable me continue with this operation.

In addition, I will help the chairperson to plan an annual delegates’ conference as it is the case in Ghana. This way, NPP-USA will grow from strength to strength thus outclassing all the diaspora branches in the world.

To ensure the effective running of our local chapters, I will encourage the chairperson to appoint specific National Executive Council (NEC) members to visit all the chapters at least once in every quarter and report to the NEC. The reports of these appointees will reflect the reality of all the issues pertaining to the chapters. In other words, the NEC members will be serving and interacting face-to-face with the members to help resolve chapter concerns on as needed basis.

It is also my intension to help strengthen the work of patrons and council of elders in the NPP-USA. In this regard, each chapter will provide two patrons. The council of elders will not be more than seven people to be carefully selected from all the 50 states of the USA. The terms of reference of the patrons and council of elders will conform to our NPP-Ghana constitution.

With your help, I would like to shape the history of NPP-USA and the circumstances of our people both here in the USA and abroad. I will need your vote to enable me accomplish these goals. I would like to leave you with this quote:

“There are generations yet unborn, whose very lives will be shifted and shaped by the moves you make and the actions you take.”

? Andy Andrews
Thank you.
God Bless NPP-USA
God Bless America
And, God Bless our Homeland, Ghana
Tina Abrefa-Gyan, PhD, is currently the National Deputy Secretary of NPP-USA and the Vice Chair (Ag) for the Washington, DC Metro Area Chapter. She was born in Tamale to her father and mother who are from Wenchi and DormaaAhenkro in the Brong/Ahafo region respectively. Dr. Abrefa-Gyan grew up in Sunyani, obtained her primary and Junior Secondary School (JSS) education from Ridge Experimental School in Sunyani and completed Senior Secondary School at Mfantsiman Girls in Saltpond (Akyemfo). She completed her PhD at the University of Maryland, Baltimore School of Social Work, Master’s in Social Work (MSW) at Washington University in St. Louis, and Bachelors’ degree in Social Work and Psychology at the University of Ghana, Legon. Career wise, she is an Assistant Professor at Norfolk State University in VA. Her post–MSW experiences include working at the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs-Division for the Advancement of Women (DESA-DAW) and clinical practice at the Hopewell Agency in St. Louis, Missouri. She is has the expertise, leadership, experience, training, and motivation necessary to successfully lead any organization in pursuing its goals, policies, and objectives. Most importantly, NPP-USA is a strategic branch of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) and requires humble, capable, and dedicated leadership to meet its grand challenges.

Dr. Abrefa-Gyan wants to serve, lead, unite, and empower the NPP-USA to continue to partner with NPP-Ghana for transgenerational electoral victories in Ghana and transform the nation from poor to rich. Dr. Abrefa-Gyan has served the NPP-USA in various capacities at both the local and national levels and I am eager to serve again as the First Vice Chair of the NPP-USA if I am given the mandate to do so. In this defining moment of history, Dr. Abrefa-Gyan is poised to lead the NPP-USA to a new level of excellence, where all the members of NPP-USA will benefit from their participation in party activities.