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THE WORLD BANK GROUP A World Free of Poverty
  Ghana Data Profile
Click on the indicator to view a definition 2016 2017 2018
Population, total 28 million 28.7 million 29 million
Population growth (annual %) 2.26 2.22 2.39
National poverty rate (% of population) .. .. ..
Life expectancy (years) 61.49 63.03 63
Fertility rate (births per woman) 4.12 3.93 3.93
Adolescent Fertility rate ((births/1,000 women ages 15-19) 66.13 71.79 71
Infant mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) 40.7 40.8 40
Under 5 mortality rate (per 1,000 children) 61.60 59.8 60
Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) 73.8 75 78
Child malnutrition, weight for age (% of under 5) .. .. ..
Immunization, measles (% of children ages 12-23 months)   89.00 90.0 91
Immunization, BCG (% of one-year-old children) - Turberculosis) 97.00 98.00 98.00
Immunization, DPT (% of children ages 12-23 months) - Diphtheria, pertussis (whooping cough), and Tetanus 88.00 88.30 89.00
Immunization, HepB3 (% of one-year-old children) - Hepatitis B 88.00 88.45 89.00
Immunization, Hib3 (% of children ages 12-23 months) - Meningitis, Pneumonia, and Epiglottitis 88.00 88.00 89.00
Immunization, Polio (% of one-year-old children) 88.00 88.90 89.00
Prevalence of HIV (female, % ages 15-24) 0.60 0.60 0.61
Prevalence of HIV (male, % ages 15-24) 0.30 0.30 0.30
Prevalence of HIV (total, % ages 15-49) 1.60 1.60 1.60
Literacy rate, youth male (% of males ages 15-24) 91.32 91.4 91.5
Literacy adult female (% of ages 15 and above) 71.35 71.4 71.5
Literacy adult total (% of ages 15 and above) 76.58 76.6 76.6
Gross enrollment ratio, primary, both sexes (%) 79 89 99.9
primary school enrollment (% male) 87 88 ..
primary school enrollment (% female) 88 89  ..
School secondary enrollment (% male) 58.41 60  65
School secondary enrollment (% female) 54 55 60
Surface area (sq. km) 238.5 thousand 238.5 thousand 238.5 thousand
Forests (1,000 sq. km) 92,802.0 (year 2013)  93,086.0 (year 2014)  93,370.0 (year 2015) 
Deforestation (avearge annual %) -135 (year 1990-2000)   -115 (year 2000-2005)  -115 ( year 2005-2010) 
Improved water sources (% of population with access)  86.5 87.6 88.7
CO2 emissions (kt) 14,470.0 .. ..
Access to improved water source (% of total pop.) .. .. ..
Access to improved sanitation (% of urban pop.) .. .. ..
Energy Fossil fuel energy consumption per capita (%) 52.3 .. .. 
Total energy consumption per capita(quadrillion Btu) 0.26 .. ..
GNI, Atlas method (current US$) 42,652,664,234 ( year 2014) 38,863,877,193(year 2015) 38,863,877,193(year 2016) 
GNI per capita, Atlas method (current US$) 1,580 (year 2014) 1,470 (year 2015)

1,380 (year 2016)

GDP (current $) 42.69 billion ..  ..
GDP growth (annual %) 3.5 5.9 ..
GDP purchasing power parity  $123 billion $130.2 billion ..
Value added in agriculture (% of GDP) 22.4 (year 2014)  21.0 (year 2015)   19.6 (year 2016)
Value added in industry (% of GDP) 27.7 (year 2014)  27.6 (year 2015)   28.2 (year 2016)
Value added in services (% of GDP) 49.9 (year 2014)   51.4 (year 2015)  52.2 (year 2016)
Exports of goods and services (% of GDP) 39.5 (year 2014)  43.9 (year 2015)  40.7 (year 2016) 
Imports of goods and services (% of GDP) 48.9 (year 2014)  55.4 (year 2015)  47.9 (year 2016) 
Gross capital formation (% of GDP) 27.1 (year 2014)  24.6 (year 2015)  22.8 (year 2016) 
Total reserves (including gold, current US$) 5,563,710,350.8 (year 2014) 5,742,645,785.6 (year 2015)  5,866,729,208.9 (year 2016) 
Overall budget balance, including grants (% of GDP)   .. ..
Technology and infrastructure
Fixed telephones subscriptions (per 1,000 people)  1.0 (year 2014)   1.0 (year 2015)   0.9 (year 2016) 
Mobile cellullar subscriptions (per 100 people) 114.8 (year 2014)  129.7 (year 2015)  139.1 (year 2016) 
Communications, computers, etc (% of service exports, BOP)   24.3 (year 2014) 78.8 (year 2015)  72.8  (year 2016)
Individuals using internet (% of population) 25.5  (year 2014) 31.4 (year 2015)  34.7 (year 2016) 
Secure Internet servers (per 1 million people)  99.0 (year 2014) 137.0 (year 2015)   177 (year 2016)
Paved roads (% of total) ..  .. ..
Air trasnport, passengers carried  407,544.0 (year 2014)   390,457.8 (year 2015) 359,516.2 (year 2016) 
Trade and finance
Net trade in goods (BoP, current US$) -1.4 Billion (year 2014) -3.1 Billion (year 2015)  -1.8 Billion (year 2016) 
Trade in services (% of GDP) 17.3 (year 2014)  35.8  (year 2015) 32.7 (year 2016) 
High-technology exports (% of manufactured exports) 1.7 (year  2011)   7.4 (year  2012) 4.9 (year  2013) 
Trade (% of GDP)  88.5 (year 2014)  99.2 (year 2015) 88.6 (year  2016)
Foreign direct investment, net inflows (BoP, current US$) 3,363,389,444.4 (year 2014) 3,192,320,530.8 (year 2015) 3,485,333,369.3 (year 2016)
Present value of external debt (current US$) 16,888,301,171 (year 2016)  .. ..
Total debt service (% of exports of goods and services and primary income)  5.4 (year 2014)    6.3 (year 2015) 10.5 (year 2016) 
Short-term debt (% of total reserves) 55.4 (year 2014)  57.5 (year 2015)   47.6 (year 2016)
Merchandise trade (% of GDP) 72.0 (year 2014)  63.4 (year 2015)   57.7 (year 2016)
Source: World Development Indicators database, 2017