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Fashion of Saturday, 18 January 2014


Source: Lee Songz

7 signs it's time to kick your hairdresser’s butt

There are some very certain signs it’s time to change your hair stylist. You know, a hair stylist is meant to be important in your life. After all, you trust them with your hair. Most of us really like our hairstylists but sometimes there are signs it’s time to change your hair stylist that cannot be ignored.

1. They don’t listen to you: If your hair stylist does not listen to you, it can be really frustrating. You are paying them for the service of giving you the hairstyle you tell them you want. When they don’t, you end up very aggravated. It is wonderful to ask for your hair stylist’s opinion of the hair style you are thinking of, but regardless, they should honour what you tell them you want. If they don’t, consider this one of the signs it’s time to change your hair stylist.

2. They are scissor happy: One of my personal pet peeves is when a hair stylist is scissor happy. There is nothing worse than saying you would like just a trim and looking in the mirror afterward to see two inches missing. I have had this happen to me and personally find it heart-breaking, especially when I am trying to grow my hair out. One of the worst things about this is that it cannot be fixed; hair cannot be put back on. When this happens, the best thing to do is state that much more was cut off than you wanted so that your hair stylist is aware of your displeasure. If it happens more than once, you have a clear sign it is time to change your hair stylist.

3. They are not willing to fix a mistake: Hair stylists are human. They cannot be perfect. However, when the reality of your hairstyle does not match up with the expectation that you have of it, it is time to communicate with your hair stylist. If the colour is not what you asked for or it needs to be shorter or things of that nature are the issue, your hair stylist should be willing to work with you to fix it. On the flip side, we also need to realize that our hair stylist cannot do the impossible such as making us look like a person we are not.

4. Their availability doesn’t match yours: I realize that a hairdresser has to have a personal life and that they can quickly book up with clients. But I find it very frustrating when I call for an appointment and am told it will be two weeks until I can get in. I feel this even more so if it is something that happens on a frequent basis. I also get frustrated if the stylist is only in a couple days a week or if they change their hours often. This may not be the breaking point for all women but it is enough to drive me to look for a different hair stylist.

5. Their behaviour is offensive: A hair stylist should be professional with her clients. It is absolutely acceptable if you can chat and have a conversation about the latest movies or talk about basic things that women have in common. But if your hair stylist has a habit of swearing in front of you or says offensive things, then that is very unprofessional. It is best for both parties to stay away from controversial topics such as politics or religion. However, if you are doing your part and they are not, you may need to move on. It is so unacceptable for your hairdresser to be constantly making calls or engaging in serious conversation and ignoring your hair. That is very unprofessional. That gets me so mad I feel like screaming at them to get back to work. But you know as soon as you leave, they will talk about you…sigh.

6. They are slow: I understand that it takes time for a hair stylist to work their magic and I am willing to wait, to a point. But it should not take an hour for weave fixing or a retouch or four hours for a colour. There is a limit to my patience. I do not wish to spend the greater part of my day at the salon. If this becomes a reoccurring event, I am usually looking for a different hair stylist.

7. Their prices are ridiculous: I will not stay with a hair stylist very long if their prices are ridiculously high. What I mean is that if they have prices that are double what other stylists in the area are charging, I am more than likely going to be moving on no matter how much I love the hair stylist. I am willing to pay a little bit more than the going rate if I am pleased with the hair stylist’s work but that is it. I am always happy to pay for good service but I don’t want to walk away feeling like I am being ripped off. That is not a feeling anyone enjoys.

Everyone has their limits on what they will tolerate and different things that make them feel it is time to change their hair stylist. If you cannot stand something your hairdresser does, forget loyalty and move on.