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Rumor Mill of Monday, 22 January 2007


Source: New Democrat

American Military Base in Exchange for Campaign Funds

ALIU MAHAMA SACRIFICED …As NPP and U.S. Secret Pact Blocks Moslem Presidency

The sovereignty of Osagyefo Kwame Nkrumah’s Ghana is in the final phase of being lost under the money-grabbing and corruption soaked NPP government. Moves by the Kufuor-led NPP government to mortgage the country’s birthright to the United States, is almost a done deal with the acceptance of the NPP government to sacrifice Vice President Aliu Mahama’s presidential bid in return for American cash for 2008 elections.

New Democrat intelligence sources in the former colonial slave dungeon- the Osu Castle, the presidential sanctum, have confirmed the memorandum of understanding signed between the Kufuor government and representatives George Bush’s Republican Party leadership for the right to establish a permanent military base in Ghana and to weed out the strong Moslem presence in the presidency.

Desperate to cling to power by hook or by crook methods, President Kufuor and his small coterie of tribal lords have been pleading for United States cash and logistic support to augment the billions already stolen for their 2008 electioneering agenda. While the back-room lobby group of the under-siege George Bush is reluctant to pledge their unalloyed support for the retention of the NPP in power, they have however, jumped at the opportunity to assert further influence in Ghana’s political direction. They have therefore put on the table a set of conditions to be fulfilled by the NPP government in return for the consideration of political funding in 2008.

According to the intelligence gathered, Vice-President Aliu Mahama is the ‘sacrificial lamb’ to be used for the ritual in exchange for the American Republican Party money. The Americans have put their cards on the negotiation table- no Moslem president if the NPP is to remain a strong ally of the ‘Grand Old Party’ as George Bush’s Republican Party is known.

The harsh prescriptions, we are informed has been forced down the throat of Kufuor and his National Security Capo, whom we are informed is very much uneasy to discuss the details with two of his trusted officials who happen to be Moslems and more importantly Northerners. This latest position runs contrary to the earlier position of National Security in respect of Aliu Mahama. National Security had sometime in 2005 placed a hard copy of its intelligence report on the table of President Kufuor in which a careful analysis of the NPP succession plan.

In that report, which our intelligence sources in the Osu Castle made copious reference to, the National Security outfit had explained the inherent dangers faced by the NPP if it side-step the Veep in the choice of Kufuor’s successor. This report has now been rendered inconsequential as the Kufuor-led NPP government have decided to accept the U.S. Republican Party Government conditionality in return for dumping Aliu Mahama as Kufuor’s successor in the NPP.

The Vice-President’s predicament is said to be worsened by his close business connections with some fanatical Moslem business tycoons in the Persian Gulf Region. The Americans have been quietly following these businessmen and their interests in certain investment holdings in Ghana. The extreme views of some of these Arab and Iranian tycoons have also stirred U.S. anti-Moslem feeling against his bid.

In order to please the United States government and position themselves for the money being sought, the NPP government and its National Security hatchet-man, Francis Poku, according to a Daily Guide insider, have resorted to the planting of false stories in the pro-NPP newspapers on the relationship between former President Jerry Rawlings and his friends in South America. The attempt to link the NDC leadership’s relationship with the Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, the Cuban leader, Fidel Castro and others is a deliberate ploy by the National Security Minister. It is anchored on the belief that such propaganda will quicken the release of more cash for the NPP agenda to cling to power.

Meanwhile, while Aliu is being used for ‘Rites de Passage’ to assess U.S. funds for the NPP 2008 agenda, President Kufuor’s younger brother, Dr. Kwame Addo Kufuor is said to be in right element, feverishly lobbying the American Pentagon to make a strong case for his bid to succeed his brother. Addo Kufuor, according to our sources in Military Intelligence, has been singing his own tune, claiming singular credit for lobbying hard for the NPP government to agree to the establishment of U.S. Military Base in Ghana. He has, through his lobby allegedly claimed to have the full backing of the Ghana Armed Forces. A supposed constitutionally neutral institution, the President’s younger brother has been alleged to have told his lobbyists in the Pentagon of the need for a presidential aspirant to have the full backing of the Armed Forces if he wants to succeed as a leader.

For now, as our sources maintained, Aliu Mahama’s dream of leading the NPP has been effectively crushed by the desire of Kufuor and his political circle to please George Bush and the most ridiculous reason of all, his Islamic faith coupled with the grand conspiracy by the tribal gang to sustain tradition by reserving the Danquah-Busia leadership slot solely for the ethnic purists.