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Tabloid News of Wednesday, 3 October 2007


Source: Special Correspondent with Kwame for President Campaign

Arrest JAK & JJ

In a Last-Minute scamble for a "Civilian Warrant of Arrest", former Ghanaian-American Los Angeles Mayoral Candidate, "Osagyefo" Kwame Appiah Boateng is publicly pleading with United States Authorities to arrest former Ghana's Military Junta Leader, Flight Lieutenant Jerry John Rawlings in Los Angeles before or after his impending speech before the African Diaspora Foundation affiliated with the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) and African Market Festival for "Saddam's Look-Alike Crimes" he committed against the People of Ghana during his AFRC and PNDC days when former Heads of State and Army Generals were executed after Kangaroo Trials, especially, the unjust executions of the brave former Head of State, Okatakyie Akwasi Amankwa Afrifa and the beloved Real Admiral Amedume, to mention but a few.

The first Ghanaian-American to run for Mayor of Los Angeles and the first indigenous African to run for a higher public office in the history of America --- (Since America's independence from Great Britain in 1776) is also serving public notice to the government of Ethiopia where His Excellency, President Kuffuor is currently visiting that he, (President Kuffuor) should be diplomatically questioned why he accepted a position from the defunct PNDC Military regime of former Head of State, Jerry John Rawlings, after Rawlings and Ex-Major Boakye Djan had executed former Heads of State and Army Generals in Ghana and moreover, after Rawlings and Boakye Djan had supervised a Military AFRC government that stripped Ghanaian Women naked; beat and tortured both men and women and shockingly murdered opponents.

"Osagyefo" Kwame Mayor, who recently predicted on Ghanaweb.Com news that President Kuffuor and former President Rawlings would attend a planned Conference of Witches in Ghana, spiritually instead of physically - accusing President Kuffuor as "Someone who will kill you spiritually" and equally accusing former President Rawlings as "Someone who will kill you physically", is nonetheless pleading with American Authorities to "Tamper Justice with Mercy" if someday, Ex-Military Strongman, Jerry John Rawlings is arrested on U.S. soil for "Crimes Against Humanity" and "Crimes Against the People of Ghana" and also, if President Kuffuor, upon leaving office is arrested by U.S. authorities under a new White House administration, for accepting a position from a Military PNDC government Junta that turned against its own "African brothers and sisters, just because of Greediness of Power !!!".

The Self Proclaimed Re-incarnation of Ghana's first President, Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah said that he seeks only a "Symbolic Arrest" of "PNDC Rawlings" and "PNDC Kuffuor" although, truly in his heart, he wants Ghanaians and the International Community to forgive, but never forget what AFRC Military regime of Rawlings and Ex-Major Boakye Djan, and also what Rawlings PNDC Military government did to "Their own fellow Human Beings and African or Ghanaian brothers and sisters and also, what PNDC Rawlings and PNDC --- tainted Kuffuor did to Ghanaians.

"Folks, lets forgive Rawlings; PNDC-tainted Kuffuor and AFRC's Ex-Major Boakye Djan for the pain and suffering they have inflicted upon the people of Ghana, but a "Symbolic Arrest" of these men associated with AFRC and or PNDC days could send a powerful message to future ["blood-suckers"] like the so-called J.J. and the so-called Osahene and political opportunists like Kuffuor", said the "People's Mayor" who says that if he does not fight for the masses, who else will ?".

Asked whether he would attend Rawling' impending speech in Los Angeles before the African Diaspora Foundation, "Osagyefo" Kwame Appiah Boateng, (KWAME MAYOR) replied that he is too busy trying to raise at least $30 Million (equivalent) for his Presidential Campaign in Ghana - reminding Ghanaians around the World that if Obama for America's Campaign can raise Millions in a quater, and Hillary for President's Campaign can raise millions in a quater, he is optimistic that Men and Women of Goodwill will help his fund-raising campaign for his numerous Non-Profit "Good Causes" Projects associated with his Campaign - as being promoted by his Presidential Campaign's Website : WWW. KwameforPresident.Com.

" For Heavens sake, let's forgive Rawlings, Boakye Djan and President Kuffuor's association with PNDC days, even if "Symbolic Arrests" have to be made for the sake of "Never Again !!!".