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Tabloid News of Thursday, 7 February 2008


Source: Kwame Appiah Boateng

Capture J.J. & Jak

Former Ghanaian-American Mayoral Candidate pleads with President Bush on impending visit to Ghana !!!.

A Ghanaian-American Los Angeles Mayoral Candidate, who has recently catapulted himself in America as the Founder and President of "Coalition of Naturalized American Citizens and Legal Residents !!!", has publicly urged President George Bush, Leader of the Free World, to take advantage of his impending trip to Ghana to capture those who served Ghana's brutal AFRC and PNDC Military regimes, such as former Military Junta Leader, Jerry John Rawlings; Major (Retired) Boakye Djan and President John Agyekum Kufuor who once accepted a position with PNDC Military regime - notably after the unjust, illegal and cowardly executions of former Heads of State and Army Generals, including the brave Okatakyie Akwasi Amankwa Afrifa and the beloved Real Admiral Amedume.

"Osagyefo" Kwame Appiah Boateng, ("KWAME MAYOR") however has publicly said that President Kufuor is more democratic than former President Jerry John Rawlings, whereas Rawlings is more fair-minded than Kufuor.

"Osagyefo" Kwame Appiah Boateng, who on November 22, 2007 publicly appealed via Press Releases and on his Presidential Campaign Website : WWW.KwameforPresident.Com to Ghana to "host the proposed United States Military Command Headquaters in Africa to provide more jobs to the dying and desperate Youth and more importantly, to deter future African Tyrants who oppress, kill, torture and persecute their own African brothers and sisters and moreover, to contain future Conflicts and Civil Wars in the entire Continent of Africa" said that in the "Age of Barack Obama's Hope and Change for America", President George Bush's White House should have invited him to join the President's trip to Africa, especially to his Land of Birth in Ghana to inspire those who seek the boldness and fearlessness of the noble ideals and ideas of American led Democracratic Revolution; Freedom and Liberty.

Revisiting his complaints against the ruling government regarding "Stolen Ideas", the former Ghanaian-American Los Angeles Mayoral Candidate lamented that "No Prophet is acceptable in his own Kingdom" and insists that His Excellency, President John Agyekum Kuffuor's government has stolen too many of his ideas some of which have become Monumental in Ghana - (Yet, President Kufuor has never given him any credit !!!), and to add insult to injury, President Kufuor, Hon. Kwadwo Mpiani and Hon. Stephen Asamoah Boateng abused their offices and turned against him, amid unprecedented Politically Motivated Persecution; Gross Injustice and Individually-Taylored Human Rights abuses against him unprecedented in the annals of Modern Political Civilization !!!.

The Great Grandson of Asante Adonteng Puduo Anti-Colonialism War Generals and Royals, called President Kuffuor's politically-motivated injustices against him "Cruel and Un-Usual Punishment !!!"; "Absolutely un-Christian"; "Gross Cultural Deviation of Ghanaians' Fair-Minded Cultural Values" and in particular, a "Serious Deviation of Asante Tolerant and Impartial Traditional Values bestowed upon us by King Osei Tutu I and Nana Okomfo Anokye who taught us to treat [all] People with Fairness and Justice !!!" - Traditional Values which still frown on all forms of Injustice, and more importantly, a "Cruel Deviation of the Norms of Traditional African Values !!!" which frown on Extraordinary Injustices, Callousness or Deliberate or Calculated Cold-Heartedness !!!".

"President Kuffuor does not appreciate and understand the Language of Non-Violent (Peaceful Resistance) - based on the empirical evidence that for almost Seven (7) years, he has arrogantly failed to address the concerns and the Cruel and Inhuman punishment meted against "Osagyefo" Kwame Mayor, a Political Legend and Civil Rights Icon in his own right !!!", said the Charismatic Politician whose support transcends from Compton; Watts and New York in USA; Kumasi, Accra, Tamale, Ho, Cape Coast, Bolgatanga, Koforidua, Sunyani, etc, etc in Ghana; Lagos in Nigeria; Addis Ababa in Ethiopia to Soweto, South Africa.

" President Kuffuor's continuous deprivation of the Human Rights; Civil Rights; and Natural Rights of Kwame Mayor will be resisted in "Dr. Martin Luther King's style of Civilized and Peaceful (Non-Violent) Resistance; Sit-Inns, Boycotts and "We Shall Overcome Songs" !!!", warned the "People's Politician" who has hinted that [if] the government continues its covert and overt oppression against him and derail his Natural Right to participate in the Civilized Democratic process, or [if] the government turns the Nation into a "State Sponsored Terrorizing State", he would be left with no other choice than to proclaim himself the "People's President" - in terms of his Strategic Ideas which have benefited the Nation, in order to protect and defend Democracy, Freedom and Liberty !!!.

"President George Bush and Members of the United States Congress especially, the Congressional Black Caucus should hold talks directly with President Kuffuor to stop his Extraordinary Anti Ghanaian-American and Gross Injustices against me", said the Pro-American Democracy Activist who is on record for argueing intellectually that Ghana should allow the United States to build a Military Post in Ghana to among other things, help prevent Civil Wars; deter Coups; fight Terrorism on African Soil, etc - ( and in exchange, the United States should allow Africa to emerge a Super Power, especially, "Civilian Super Power !!!").

" Osagyefo" Kwame Mayor has the right to mobilise World Opinion to symbolically defend himself against any [Act of State Sponsored Terrorism !!!]", warned "AMERICA"S MANDELA" - the "Made in America Politician" who once stood up Mightily against a [few] Political Terrorists in America who, (without the knowledge of the Civilized Democratic Government of the White House, put him on a long and un-Conscionable [Political Show Trial !!!] in Los Angeles, but were Morally and Ethically defeated - (Sincere thanks to President Bill Clinton's White House which ordered the United States' Justice Department to investigate allegations of Politically Motivated Persecution and despicable Politically Motivated Torture inflicted upon the first Ghanaian-American to run for a higher public office in the history of America - since America's Independence from Great Britain in 1776 and also, the first Ghanaian born to symbolically run for Mayor of Los Angeles in 1993.

" I am on record for reviving or re-inventing Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah's concept of a Continental African Union Government or United African States (UAS) when I sent you, President Kuffuor a registered letter in Ghana in 2005, (Receipt Number 00096) and also, a registered letter to Libya's President Muammar Qaddafi, (Receipt Number 00027), calling for the formation of a Continental African Government to be called "United African States", [UAS] and also, calling for a "Shadow Government" towards such a Continental African Government, "Osagyefo" Kwame Appiah Boateng reminded His Excellency, President John Agyekum Kuffuor.

The "People's Politician", whose call for "Dual Citizenship" for blacks in the Diaspora at the time when Hon. Spio Gabrah was Ghana's Ambassador to America when he sent copies of his Political Platform to Ghana's Embassy in Washington, D.C. which without doubt, eventually sparked the idea of "Dual Citizenship" in Ghana, and the same Politician whose letter to His Excellency, President John Agyekum Kuffuor and to the Protocol's office in Ghana with a copy to the office of the former Speaker of Parliament, Hon. Peter Ala Adjetey, eventually ignited the "ROPA Law" again, asked Ghanaians and Africans to always respect the "Ancestral Rights" of African-Americans, Caribbeans and other blacks in the Diaspora in Africa - noting that "They (African-Americans and Caribbeans, etc,) were taken from Africa against their will, yet, they still remain our biological brothers and sisters".

"It is the Gospel Truth that "Osagyefo" Kwame (Appiah) Boateng, has been the "Brain Power of Powerful Ideas in Ghana !!!" - some of the Monumental Ideas in Ghana which President Kuffuor's government has always taken the full credit and has never given me any credit --- whether it is "Osagyefo" Kwame Appiah Boateng's idea of "importing South Africa's Model of Truth and Reconciliation Commission to Ghana"; the idea of building a "State of the Art" Presidential Palace in Ghana to attract Tourism like the White House, the idea of erecting Statutes for the Martyred Judges in Ghana, the idea of allowing Ghanaians living abroad to register to vote, which eventually culminated into "Ropa Law", the idea of granting "Dual Citizenship" to blacks in the Diaspora, the idea of re-inventing Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah's call for a Continental African Union Government of which Ghana's Postal Office's mailed letters in 2005 - (registration receipt number 00027 to the office of Libya's President and registration receipt number 00096 to the office of President Kuffuor"), "Osagyefo" once again reminded the Nation.

"Folks, whereas his Excellency President Kuffuor is the legitimate President of Ghana in view of powers vested in him through a democratic election, the reality is that I, "Osagyefo Kwame Appiah Boateng am the "De-Facto President of Ghana, in terms of Monumental Ideas !!!" - since His Excellency, President Kuffuor's government has for years been ruling with some of my Great Ideas which have dictated policy directions in Ghana", said the "Made-In-America Politician", dubbed "AMERICA'S MANDELA"; a Democratic Activist and Civil Rights Icon in his own Right, who aims at transforming Africa's Nightmarish Experiences into an "African Dream", modelled after the proverbial "American Dream ". " I am the De-Facto President of Ghana - (in terms of my Powerful and Monumental Ideas which have significantly benefited Ghana and Africa in general"), "Osagyefo" Kwame Appiah Boateng whose Great Grand Fathers courageously fought against Colonialism and Imperialism perpetuated by "Our European White Brothers and White Sisters" on African Soil --- said all that he needs is the "Financial Power" to compliment his "Brain Power" as well as "People's Power" to enable him to lead Ghana and the rest of Africa through Democratic elections and contribute to building infrastructures of Democracy, Freedom and Liberty in Africa. " Ghana and the rest of Africa need a Statute of Liberty in a future Continental African Union Government that should guarantee Multi-Party Democracy, Freedom and Liberty and above all, guarantee an "African Dream !!!", modelled after the proverbial "American Dream" -and not an "African Nightmare !!!", reminded the Politician formerly called "Kwame Mayor". " How many people know the Gospel Truth that it was my idea of (re-inventing) Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah's dream of a Continental African Union Government of which "Radio King", Mr. Kwame Adinkrah of Angel FM, formerly at Fox FM in Kumasi, Ashanti Region, announced the objectives of my abortive Yaa Asantewaa Demonstration / cum "Africa Positive Action Demonstration" [in 2005] during which I called for a Continental African Union Government to be called "United African States" [UAS] and a "Shadow Government" towards a Continental African Union Government - was the sole reason why His Excellency, President Agyekum Kuffuor's government eventually invited African leaders this year, [2007] to Accra to discuss about the formation of African Union Government ?", the Charismatic Politician asked !!!. Highlighting the significant role he has played in shaping and directing some key policies in Ghana, the Man who calls himself the "Greatest Politician of all times" - in the same way as the Legendary Mohammad Ali is celebrated as the "Greatest Boxer of all times" reminded Ghanaians : " Whereas I invited the Legendary Nelson Mandela, Winnie Mandela, President John Agyekum Kuffuor, Libya's President, Muammar Qaddafi, etc, as far back in [2005], via registered letters to attend my abortive "African Positive Action Demonstration" or "Yaa Asantewaa Demonstration" - to "Proclaim among other things, the formation of United African States (UAS), a Continental African Union Government and urge African Leaders to immediately form a ["Shadow Government"] under this Continental Union Government", it should be noted that it was my idea that influenced President John Agyekum Kuffuor's government to eventually invite African Leaders to Ghana in [2007] to discuss about forming Africa's Continental Union Government, and in view of the Naked Truth, why is it that President Kuffuor's government officials cannot be bold and men enough to give me credit, since the President and his men themselves enjoy taking Credit ?, the Politician asked. " And whereas another objective of mine in [2005], under the Yaa Asantewaa Demonstration cum "Africa Positive Action Demonstration" stated : "To Protest Against Harsh Impositions by World Economic Powers on Ghana which are root causes of Economic and Political woes facing the Country" - logically prompted President Kuffuor's Government to eventually announce that the government of Ghana had "weaned itself from IMF ....", why is it that President Kuffuor's government officials cannot be bold and men enough to give me credit, since the President and his men themselves enjoy taking Credit ?, the Politician asked - daring President Kuffuor's government to arrest him if what he has been saying about him all these years are not the truth and nothing but the truth !!!, and criticised the government of former President Jerry John Rawlings whose legacy of atrocities paved the way for President Kuffuor to emerge as the President of Ghana. " Once again, it is Jerry John Rawlings' unprecedented atrocities and Human Rights abuses which impregnated an arrogant, selfish and greedy government of His Excellency, President John Agyekum Kuffuor, said the Pro-American Democracy Activist and a Royal Politician on his Campaign Website : WWW.KwameforPresident.Com .

"Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, said that the conscience(s) of those who do us evil must never be allowed to slumber !!!", and based on this great Philosophical School of Thought, I will continue to wake up the consciences of former President Jerry John Rawlings, Major(Retired) Boakye Djan, President John Agyekum Kufuor, Hon. Kwadwo Mpiani, Hon. Stephen Asamoah Boateng, etc.

"Folks, Evil is Real !!!", the Politician quoted one of President George Bush's famous lines to describe his ordeals of politically-motivated persecutions.