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Music of Saturday, 12 February 2005


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Charter's House Official Annoucement About Ghana Music Awards

At a stakeholders meeting held on Monday January 31, 2005 at the British Council Hall at which forum, professionals from the spectrum of the Ghana music industry including singers, musicians, engineers, producers, promoters, distributors, lyricists, and various music industry practitioners and associations were present, Charter House was unanimously given the Industry?s unflinching support, to continue to organize and manage the Ghana Music Awards Event.

To that effect, the forum also unanimously agreed to the following:

1.    The calendar year for published works in contention should remain between November 1st of the preceding year to October 31st of the year in contention.
2.    Invitations for entries remain through the current mode; par blank forms being sent out to various industry practitioners and participants, as well as public invitation to artistes, producers, and record labels to send in their entries.          

3.    The Nomination Committee will be made up of industry professionals who will assist in the proper categorization of the        entries.

4.    The Selection Committee will be made of up of industry professionals who are not related to any of the works in             contention.

5.    The Planning committee will be made up of a select group of mature, discerning and objective industry professionals and       the organizers, who will focus on ensuring the smooth running of the process of the award scheme.

6.    The Organizing Committee will focus on planning and executing the event only.

7.    It was also agreed that as has already been done to boost the value of the awards, the event will continue to be used         to give Ghanaian musicians the opportunity to enhance their careers, especially award winners.
8.    Voting percentages were also agreed upon as follows:   
Public   -    30%
Selection Committee   -    35%                                                  Planning Committee    -    35%          

9.    KPMG will continue to manage the collation process as agreed above.

10.   It was agreed that the above represents the SELECTION PROCESS for the Ghana Music Awards, as managed by Charter House and that results produced will be binding.

11.   It was agreed that this process will be evaluated after the event.