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Entertainment of Monday, 24 October 2005


Source: GNA

Council denies postponement of Hogbetsotso

Accra, Oct. 24, GNA - The following is the full statement to the press by the Anlo Traditional Council. The Anlo Traditional Council reads with anger and trepidation the front page Saturday's Edition of the Ghanaian times that the Hogbetsotso festival scheduled for November 5, this year, has been put on hold due to security reasons, attributing it to the District Security Council (DISEC).

The Council wishes to state that this is not the true representation of the actual situation on the ground as being portrayed by the DISEC and view the statement as misleading an attempt by some disgruntled individuals and groups, out of malice, to cry wolf.

It views the unilateral decision taken by the District Chief Executive (DCE) of Keta, Mr Edward Ahiabor, as unfortunate since his action has the tendency to throw the rather peaceful area into turmoil and the cost may be very expensive to bear.

It should be noted that the celebration of the festival covers three districts, namely Akatsi, Ketu and Keta and any fair decision must be a representation of all the DCEs of these respective areas. Indeed, it will not be an understatement to suggest that the DCE being the Head of security of the District would have taken that rather hasty decision in consultation with the Traditional Council, the supreme council of the area.

"We wish to state categorically that there is no volatile security situation, in the Anlo Traditional Area and that all activities earmarked to begin the festival have started with the citizens and some tourists, who have been starved by the absence of the festival, pouring in town to the area to contribute to the success of this year's festival".

It is also not true that Awoamefia Stool case is being contested in court else the opponents of the celebration of this festival, would have chosen the option of seeking relief in court instead of manipulating the DCE.

It is unfortunate that the DCE, mindful of the importance of the need to expose the area to tourists have failed to be more circumspect and allowed himself to be manipulated.

The statement wish to state further that the hoax cries are skirmishes been created deliberately by the DCE and his cohorts to deliberately scare the potential investors from the area under the guise of volatile situation.

This is a flagrant interference in chieftaincy matters by the DCE contrary to the provisions of the 1992 Constitution. The Council regards the statement attributed to the DCE that there is nobody in the Anlo State to preside over a reconciliation process, is an insult to the integrity of the citizens of Anlo, since citizens of Anlo within and outside the country contribute greatly to the development of the economy.

"We are yet to recover from our shock at the attitude of the DCE, Mr Edward Ahiabor for his strange unilateral decision now, to withdraw his support for the Council.

"Our final cause for regret is that the DCE being a citizen of Anlo, and not oblivious of the fact that the Anlo Traditional Council stretches beyond the confines of Keta District and has more than 50 chiefs and elders and decided to uphold the concerns raised by the few disgruntled Dumegah's to the detriment of the majority of Anlos. More

"The council wishes to put on record that the position of the Awoamefia is not under any contention since Awadada, Agbesi Awusu is from the Agave Clan and cannot ascend the ultimate position of Awoamefia. Besides he is not sandaled.

"Without fear or favour, the Council would like to discard the erroneous impression that has been created. It beats ones imagination to read an article from a national newspaper without a credible signatory." The Council demands a retraction and apology from the DISEC and the Ghanaian Times to correct the impression, which the publication has created. The council will advise itself if the DISEC and Ghanaian Times fail to retract the story and apologies to the Anlo Traditional Council. The Council notes with grave concern that a section of the so-called residents of the area who have made it their stock in trade to distort and destroy the legacy left to us by our forefathers, by parading the fore-corners of the world to sabotage whatever progress the Regent has achieved since his assumption of office.

With regard to the contention that Awoamezi (Paramount Stool) is in contention with Torgbui Agbesi Awusi II, the Awadada of Anlo, Torgbui Addo, the Chief of Klikor and the Regent, Fiadomegatala is a palpable falsehood and has nothing to do with the celebration of Hogbetsotso Festival.