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Rumor Mill of Thursday, 23 March 2017


Source: Kenneth King Koffie

Expresso workers are dying due to neglect

Aisha Zimaru's death came as no surprise to many of the workers spoken to since
none knew who could go next. Aisha, until her untimely death, was the acting head of
the Expresso Telecom’s Call Center. Aisha is said to have given up after a short
illness but deep throat sources within Expresso indicate that her deaf was as a
result of the long neglect by their unknown owners, the Board of Directors chaired by
an avowed advocate for the voiceless, Kwesi Pratt. Sources at Expresso hinted that
Aisha applied for a soft loan for her treatment but it fell on death ears of
management. Aisha could have lived longer if she had had a medical benefit as
captured by the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) signed between the company and
its employees. The company for a long time has not been honoring its responsibilities
agreed upon by the CBA and management has not paid salaries for the past 2 years.
Efforts to reach management proved futile.

May the soul of Aisha Zimaru rest in peace!