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Music of Thursday, 22 March 2012


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Ghanaian Hiplife Artiste, NINO for International Tour in US and Brazil

A United States based International non-profit organization, the Center for World Folkloric Arts of New York City is in the preliminary stages of endorsing and sponsoring a Ghanaian Hiplife Star, NINO from Kumasi, Ghana to be its Arts Ambassador for the Youth. This news was revealed on a New Jersey based Ghana’s Number 1 radio in the Tri-States of New York, New Jersey and Connecticut, during an interview with the CEO of the station, Mr. Charles Eloh and the station’s Presenter cum PR director, Daasebre Adansi-Prekese.

NINO who has already been entered into a special Global Youth Music Contest dubbed BECOME A GLOBAL ROCKSTAR; where selected winners will perform as part of the World Environmental Conference scheduled for June 2012 in Rio in Brazil). He is the only Ghanaian in the competition and this opportunity by courtesy of a collaboration between his Ghana based Management and Production Team (NINOMUSIQ Int.) and another US based Non-Profit, International Center for African Culture & Arts (ICACA) is becoming a hot name in the US.

Below are the excerpts from the interview:

STAR ELOH Radio ( S.E.R): Hi Mr. Nino, Welcome to the New Jersey’s Number Radio, STAR ELOH.

NINO: Thank You Sir.

After exchanges of normal greetings and talking about Ghana, the following are the excerpts from the Interview:

STAR ELOH Radio (SER): What drives your passion for music and your appearance on the music scene? :

NINO : I was born for this and it is the reason why I breathe each day. Music has been with me from the time of conception, and when she gave birth to me she sang some lullaby to soothe me to bed…so I learnt great harmony from lullaby through my mum. Sweet mum,thanks.

S.E.R: How do you feel about our music today? NINO: Ghana music today is booming, a sort of continuation of what our great Highlife pioneers started. Our great men and women in music went all out to create good music in a way to preserve our tunes and values. We are now building on that unique foundation as our great father musician, Jewel Ackah said once on Oman FM. All great musicians do start from somewhere and set standards to reach. Personally, What I can say is, lets visit and research the elements of our old music that placed Ghana on the world map…for instance we need to study the music of the following groups from Ghana and find out what made them successful at their time, i.e Osibisa, Hewale, Hedzole, Bambaara, Kente, African Beats Band etc Osibisa traveled all over the world and were nominated for the African Music Grammys! Most of the songs today are full of profanity and abusive lyrics.

S.E.R: What inspires u to write such lovely tunes? NINO: I believe in nature…I mostly get inspired by the beauty of the natural environment, the wind, sea, birds chirping, trees movement etc. I love God’s creation and believe everything around mankind produces a unique song that when combined, can give one a unique piece of music.S.E.R: Why do u use ‘zip’ in your speeches? NINO: Hahahaaa, how did you get to know? lol. Zip as we all know is used to close and open bags, uniforms etc. when it closes, it is very difficult to know what is beneath and when opened too, one gets to know what is beneath. Symbolically. I know and believe I am the chamber of great tunes. Without my opening, no better tune…S.E.R: How do you intend to change the face of Ghmusic? NINO: With the help of God’s endowment, I am trying to take creativity to another pedestal using various genres of music now to form a hybrid, synchronizing different genres on one piece to suit all music appreciators. New taste and quest for my genre ‘NU-SLAM’-New slow jam…I want to be the father of my genre…

S.E.R: Any project you are working on so far? NINO: I am working on my album called Rain and Water, an environmental awareness project commissioned by a prestigious New York based international NGO, the Center for World Folkloric Arts. On this note, I also want to bring to your attention that the NGO is also in the process of signing me on as an International Arts Ambassador for Social Change in Ghana. A special tour to the U.S.A this year is in the offing and we are currently working of the contract details. My unveiling Concert is hopefully in August and a lot more. S.E.R: Any Message for the listeners and your fans NINO: To all listeners, I want to thank you for your time and love. I am and going to be the cultural ambassador you want me to be through your unflinching support. One man, the elders say, does not make a nation, so I am urging all of you to support and patronage our music and keep your radio locked all the time at STAR ELOH radio for they stand for quality. I love You all, God Bless Africa, God Bless Ghana and all Ghanaians around the world. SOURCE: PREKESE GhanaMedia ( USA)