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Rumor Mill of Monday, 11 July 2005


Source: Daily Guide

Ghanaians Killed In London Blast

Another Ghanaian woman is feared dead in the bomb blasts which rocked the city of London, last Thursday, bringing to two, the number of Ghanaians believed to have been killed in the carnage.

The woman, who was seen at Liverpool Street train station in London, a few minutes before the bomb blast at the site, is called Gladys, according to her friends. Her husband?s name was given as Emma.

She was supposed to have boarded a train at Liverpool train station, to work, at the time of the bomb blast on Thursday, and has since not been seen, all efforts to contact her having proved futile.

A relation of Gladys called into London?s WBLX, a Ghanaian FM station, to announce their worst fears, and appealed for any information on their loved one.
A relation of a young Ghanaian woman who hails from Ada, on Thursday told Daily Guide his sister was a victim of the bus blast.

The Metropolitan Police of London, yesterday, at a news conference, held in Scotland Yard to give an up-date on the situation, stated that a number of bodies are still stuck in the underground, 29 hours after the blasts.

The Chief Constable of the Metropolitan Police, Blair, disclosed that 13 persons perished in the bus blown by an explosions, believed to have been left on the vehicle.

Deputy Chief Constable Andy Hayman of the British Transport Police, explained that they had reached the carriage underground at Kings Cross Station where 21 persons perished, but it would take sometime to get the bodies out.

He observed, ?There are no living people in there, and the challenge is now to remove the dead.?

The police put the dead at 50, but suggested that there could be more. News reports in London, however put the figure between 55 and 70. The dead are not yet identified, but it is believed that a lot of Blacks and Asians were victims in the blast.

Ghanaians, who have relations living in London, have been making desperate calls to find out the conditions of their loved ones. ?I have received over 20 calls from concerned people in Ghana, just trying to know whether I am safe?.

An eyewitness account of the bomb blast which occurred on Bus No.30, Hackney bound, said the bus was packed with passengers before the blast. Hackney is a black community in London, where many Ghanaians live. Jasmine Gardener, 22, who saw the bus blow up, said she was not allowed on the vehicle, minutes before the blast.

The driver of the bus had refused her entry, because it was full. ?I was angry that the driver did not allow me onto the bus, but I would have been dead by now?, she emphasised.

The Prime Minister of Britain, Tony Blair had described the bomb blasts as terrorist attacks, and called on the British not to allow themselves to be ?terrorized, by those cowards.?

He dashed out of the on-going G-8 Summit in Scotland, to London, to assess the situation, and brief the press, thereafter.

There were four bomb blasts. involving three trains, and a bus, killing 55 people in the biggest attack on Britain since World War II. The bomb-throwers detonated three bombs on rush-hour Tube trains, causing carnage and screams in the darkness.
Soon afterwards, a packed double-decker bus was blown to bits, probably by a suicide bomber, the first to strike in western Europe. More than 1,000 people were injured in the onslaught ? suspected to be the work of an Islamic terror cell, based in the Midlands.
Nobody has been arrested in connection with the bomb blast, as at the time of filing this story. Daily Guide is still following events, and will bring readers up-to-date information.