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Music of Sunday, 7 November 2010


Source: Paul Azumah-Ayitey/ B&FT Lifestyle


It is not every day that one gets to attend a high profile concert for free, let alone taste the heavens in a worship experience led by a notable worship missionary and his 16-man team of ministers. This was even after two ministry sons had charged the atmosphere with their respective musical gifts. However, as unlikely as probabilities would have it, this rare moment presented itself last Sunday at the Accra International Conference Centre when First Capital Plus (FCP), a Savings and Loans Company, as part of its first anniversary celebrations, climaxed proceedings with an all-expenses paid worship concert with Nii Okai and his Virtuous team.

Prior to the concert day, word had been rife about the concert extensively online, in some newspapers plus a couple of appearances by officials from First Capital Plus (FCP) on radio stations heightening expectations among patrons on the event-packed weekend. Commenting on the purpose of the concert, Mr. Stephan Antoh, Head of Legal and Corporate Affairs at FCP related that his outfit had been touching lives since its inception last year and in an effort to show gratitude to God for his providence and also treat its staff, customers and the general public to a blessed time of worship, it was decided that it be a memorable time with one of Ghana’s anointed and inspirational music ministers, Nii Okai.

Having been on a worship train across the length and breadth of the country and also back from a short tour in the United States, Nii Okai and his Virtuous team were fired up after scheduling intensive rehearsals and prayer sessions in preparation for the concert. The other two vibrant worship ministers billed for the concert: Eugene Zuta and Joe Mettle (of the legendary Soul Winners fame), were also ready to give their all after headlining many praise and worship programmes on tertiary campuses and local churches. The premise for the concert could not have been better laid and with the presence of notable gospel musicians such as Danny Nettey, Kofi Dua Anto (Koda), Cwasi Oteng, DSP Kofi Sarpong amongst many, everyone was upbeat about the event.

The concert was scheduled for 5pm and by the said time many patrons had trooped to the Conference Centre and were been treated to jazzy tunes by Fusion, a Tema-based Christian Jazz group. When all was set, FCP Choir opened the night with a short praise and worship session after the opening prayer from the compere. The CEO of FCP was then called upon to deliver a brief introductory remark, which he eloquently discharged amidst thunderous applause and acknowledgment from the hundreds of staff and customers who were present for the event.

Joe Mettle was then called on stage to do what he is best known for - praise. He warmed the audience up with a selection of praise songs including Robin Mark’s Days of Elijah, Don Moen’s Arise and a number of popular praise songs ministering them creatively. He increased the audience involvement anytime he switched from a song to another and got all dancing and waving the small FCP flag given to patrons at the gate. For close to half an hour, Joe Mettle charged the atmosphere with explosive praise before ending on a solemn note with a couple of local worship songs giving way to Eugene Zuta.

Eugene Zuta took the night’s ministration to another realm with his collection of worship songs. A worshipper in his elements, Zuta poured out his soul as he led patrons through an anointed worship session with a mix of local and foreign worship songs. His interpretation of the songs and intermittent exhortation broke many down emotionally as they lay prostrate in worship. The worshipper with a rich musical background dating back to his days at UCC induced nostalgic moments of reflection and kept other patrons on their feet waving their hands in worship and when he sang his trademark ‘Fa me ye’ from his Wo ye Nyame album, everyone was up singing along with him till he ended the worship time.

Afterwards, he sang a couple of fast tempo songs during the offertory time. Proceeds would be donated to the New Horizon Special School in Cantoments, an institution which staff of FCP have volunteered to support. The management and workers of FCP ceremoniously cut the anniversary cake before the concert headliner was announced.

Many had turned up at the Conference Centre desiring an unforgettable experience and true to their expectations, the ministration that night brought them more than that. The main worship leader for the night, Nii Okai, was next. When he was called up stage, his 16-man band mounted the dais. Smartly-dressed in the colours of FCP, the team settled down and Nii Okai in his elated mode stepped out firstly to acknowledge the commitment of FCP towards the course of the evening and then asked everyone to get their praise groove on. He ministered powerfully a collection of fast paced songs with bits of African rhythms and occasionally alternating them with jazzy grooves that got everyone on the dance floor. Even with the twist, one would notice Nii’s Presbyterian and Methodist influence in the compositions that draw parallel resemblance to native gospel compositions with a highlife feel in songs such as Moses Song and the Praise Joint from his Moko Be album.

For close to an hour, Nii Okai got all dancing their hearts out including the dignitaries present as he ministered one song after the other. The pulsating instrumentation from his instrumentalists was flawless as was the backing vocals that blended perfectly. The experience thus far was amazing but when Nii slowed things down in his typical worship fashion, he sent everyone literally into the heavens for another hour with soul inspiring songs from his repertoire. Ministering his ‘most wanted’ tracks including Moko Be, Gye W’ayeyi, Creator Redeemer Lord among others, Nii set the whole auditorium on fire. With help from his Virtuous team of vocalists who took turns to inflame the fire, many worshipped in bliss. Nii climaxed his ministration with an altar call that attracted scores of new converts to Christ.

In fact, it was an intense and a heavenly experience that evening where every song lifted was a blessing to patrons. Patrons after the event were beyond words about the whole experience describing it as timely and very powerful. “The atmosphere in there was just wonderful and amazing. Joe Mettle and Eugene Zuta certainly paved the way that enabled Nii to send us deep into the realms for this throne room experience. I wish we can often have more of such concerts. I was really blessed,” Ella, a patron commented after the event. First Capital Plus is a Savings and Loans Company within Ghana’s financial industry that commenced operations a year ago. Gradually, the company is carving a niche for itself as a people-centred emerging financial institution with innovative products and services. Corporate bodies have long been criticised for their lack of sponsorship for the Gospel Music Industry, however, First Capital Plus is within a year of its operations setting the trend with a flawless execution of this one, a clear testament to their people-centred focus. FCP has also promised to make this concert an annual affair with Nii Okai and other gospel ministers.